Chapter 14 Double Agent

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(Shadow's P.O.V.)

The world became a dark wasteland. It was raging at me and clawing my soul apart. All of my instincts were telling me that the world was my predator. Only becoming like it could save me.

Drip. Droop. Drip. Droop.

Everything on the Ark was silent. All the lights were shut off, all the experiments were shoved out. All that was left was a black, chilling laboratory broken away from humanity. Memories and hopes... shattered. They were swept up in a corner so no one would ever have to remember the sorrow and misery.

Despite all the things I should have been feeling, I wasn't feeling any of them. My focus was being strangled. More than anything, I found myself wishing I could snatch back the words I spoke to (Y/N). What came over me? She gave me such a little request! It wouldn't have harmed me in the slightest to hold off on my plan for her. All she wanted was for me to do what I told her I would do! I broke the promise I made to her. No, not just that...

I broke everything.

"It was the only way to bring you here," a deep, rumbling voice rasped from the shadows. It was familiar to me. The voice... was horrible. Scrawling its name in my blood, the voice reminded me of something. It reminded me that I was no longer in control.

Every part of me wanted to fight the floating beast in front of me. I took a few threatening steps forward... but no more. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to land a punch on him. It felt like... attacking a brother. "Why did you bring me here, Black Doom?!" I hissed bitterly. It was all I could bring myself to do at the moment. I felt so helpless.

The alien drifted towards me and his long, reddish-brown cloak swished behind him. There were several gold plates and linings on his cloak for detail and strange, foreign jewelry adorned the outfit. His tacky fashion sense wasn't what I was concerned with, though. His three glowing eyes were fixed on me. All of them were red... like mine. There were red streaks on his two black horns shooting out of his head. The stripes reminded me of my own. What mattered the most was that our blood was the same. He gave me life with his own life. Gerald was only a manufacturer and only made my body. Black Doom was the one who brought it to life. Similar blood... Same life... Considering all of those things together...

That monstrous creature is my father.

Black Doom caressed a purple chaos emerald in his three-fingered grip. He seemed amused by the emerald's power rushing through him. Extending his arm towards me, he finally decided to answer my question. "You've done your assignment well, my creation. I knew your heightened senses would be able to feel the chaos energy from anywhere. Robotnik promised me the chaos emeralds and the Ultimate Creature in return for his granddaughter's life and health. The agreement I made will be fulfilled once you hand over the chaos emeralds," he explained.

Wait... That was the deal? Gerald was never actually making a cure for Maria at all? Just making me stronger because of some shady agreement with an alien?! I clenched my fist in rage at what Dr. Robotnik had done. After all this time, he turned out to truly be insane! But... Black Doom did not forget the agreement. He probably did have the power to bring Maria back... Suddenly, (Y/N)'s words came back to me.

"She's far better where she is! I know it!!"

I shivered. Suppose it was true? What if my whole mission was a mistake? As her protector, I only wanted her to be safe and happy. I'd do anything for Maria. Anything.


I fiercely glared at Black Doom. My mind was made up and there was no going back. (Y/N) was right the whole time. "I'm not giving you the emeralds, Black Doom! I don't care if we're related by blood! Giving you sketchy creatures the most powerful things in the universe is the biggest mistake anyone could ever make!"

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