Chapter 7: Great, More Big News

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Carlos's PoV:
Things in life were back to normal and going swimmingly. Actually they were going better than that! We had another wedding to attend and another baby in the friend group on the way! And, this was no ordinary child. This infant would be the product of the child of pure good and pure evil turned good! Not to mention he or she was the royal heir.
As for my life, I had finally begun to open my own pet shop in Auradon's town square, Jane and I were happily living together in our own cozy home near the school, and I got to support my girl as she prepared to take over as Headmistress! On top of all that I was working on how to ask Fairy Godmother for her permission to propose to Jane. I knew she wanted a summer wedding so I had time to ask her and for her to plan the wedding before next summer.
My dilemma was that I didn't want to propose to soon. It might seem like I was just proposing because everyone else was seeming to get married... and I certainly did not want Jane to get the wrong idea. That may not end very well for me... Even though I was pretty sure she'd say yes no matter what, I wasn't 100% sure. And I didn't want to do anything until I was...
I thought about all of this as I worked effortlessly in my shop to set everything up. I would be opening up tomorrow, if I got everything ready. "Hey did you think of a shop name yet?!" I looked over to the desk/counter area where my dog, Dude was perched. I groaned and facepalmed myself. "Stop reminding me! I haven't and I'm working on it." I was still struggling and my talking dog reminding me every five minutes wasn't helping!
If I couldn't come up with something I wouldn't be open the store tomorrow! And I really wanted to. I know Jay, Lonnie, and Jane wouldn't be starting their careers until the new semester at Auradon Prep started.
But, Doug was already starting his online schooling with Auradon University to become a teacher, Evie had her clothing company with Audrey helping her, Mal and Ben's careers were obvious and in full swing, and Harry was running his pirate crew with help from Uma ... And yet, here I was unable to name my store!
         As I was stocking the last of my shelves, it hit me like a blast of magic! I had it! The name of my pet store was going to be perfect! I dropped the chew toys in my hand and jumped in joy. "I got it!" I exclaimed. Dude perked up, his ears up and tail waging. "Lay it on me and scratch my butt while you're at it!" I walked over to him and did as my best canine friend asked. "Wagging Tails and Happy Pales!" I called out. Dude barked in agreement.

Ben's PoV:
I had always heard that women were crazy and very odd when they were pregnant. But, Mal was a whole new story. I hadn't been around Evie enough or paid attention enough to notice her odd behaviors. Therefore I didn't know if Mal's behavior was typical or not. My mom did tell however, me that no two women were the same during these nine months though. So in any case I was just catering to her every need, no matter how crazy, and being a loving husband.
However, I was also trying to be a good King and run my kingdom. It seemed like I was having to help Mal more than anything, while doing my own work. Somehow she seemingly had forgotten everything I had taught her. But, it was probably just pregnancy brain. And, still I loved her just the same. New blonde hair and all...
Yeah, that had been a shock. I thought we were over that phase. But, maybe she was just trying something new and maybe she'd go full purple again after she gave birth. It certainly wasn't a bad look for her at all and I enjoyed that the tips were still purple. Plus, I had been more okay with than Evie... but , I think she was only upset that my wife hadn't let her do her hair. Nevertheless, we all just went with it. Evie was the only one who really dared challenge Mal. But, in this case especially with the pregnancy mood swings Mal had, even she didn't say anything so none of us really said anything.
On this day, Mal was out of the office, doing something that I couldn't quite remember. Anymore, her schedule was so cluttered and chaotic that I couldn't keep track of everything that she needed to do. I had piles of paperwork on my desk, the start of the term was approaching soon so of course things had stacked up. The paperwork was the most annoying thing about my job, but I had so many perks that I had to put up with the unpleasantness.
The sound of approaching footsteps drew my attention to my office door. Lumiere stood there, looking rather impatient. That was unlike him. "Sir, you have a visitor. I've been trying to reach you, but have been unable to reach you." I took a glance at my phone and realized that I had done the same thing Mal had done. I had taken the phone off the hook. I guess some of her bad habits were sinking in.
"Apologies Lumiere, I had so much paperwork to take care of that I needed to not be disturbed. Whoever the visitor is, send them in." Lumiere nodded and ushered in the visitor. I was expecting anyone from the school, but instead I got an incredibly unexpected surprise. Standing in my doorway was my older brother Aiden.....

Aiden's PoV:
Clearly, my brother was surprised to see. He rose from his desk and spoke to Lumiere who was standing behind me. "Uhhhh Lumiere, you can go now. And close the door on your way out." Lumiere obliged and left the two of us alone. "Well, this is quite the surprise brother. It isn't often that you come around." My brother was genuinely shocked, and not in his usual oblivious way.
"Well, you know school takes up a lot of my time and I'm not one for taking part in royal activities as you well know. Being King seems to suit you just fine dear brother." I gave my brother as I smile as he stood behind his desk. "Now, I know you have to do the whole being a King thing and all, but I'm family. Could you maybe not be so formal at the moment?" I could tell he was stressed, so I tried to calm him down. I sat in one of the office chairs and motioned him to sit next to me.
"Aiden, you never come around. What do you want? I have a kingdom to govern after all." God damn was he being stiff right now. He needed to lighten up. Although, being King must be stressful, especially for someone so young... not like I would know.
"Well, the reason I came to see you is because I need your help. Now for the love of God can we sit and talk just like normal brothers please?" My admittance of needing assistance got his attention. He got up and sat down next to me in one of the other office chairs.
"Alright, talk to me. We talked a few weeks ago and everything seemed fine. Has something changed?" Word clearly hadn't reached him about Arendelle..
"Well, kinda sorta. First off, the ruling family is no longer in Arendelle itself. Queen Elsa, King Jack, Princess Anna and Kristoff have gone north to something called The Enchanted Forest. Beyond that, we don't know much. Katherine received a letter from her mother with very little information. No one knows why they went north, but they all have. The university is unaffected but the kingdom is kinda in chaos." Ben's eyes went wide. I wasn't sure what emotions he was feeling.
"That's uhhhhh, that's definitely an interesting development. How's Katherine taking it?"
"Not great. She hasn't heard anything from anyone since then. She's worried about that, worried about exams and just stressed out in general. And Katherine is the reason I came to talk to you. I want to propose to her...." My brother's face was full of surprise. Although he was also smiling.
"Aiden that's fantastic!!! Have you told Mother and Father yet? Did you ask Princess Anna and Kristoff for her permission before they left?"
"No and no. I haven't done either of those things yet. I wanted to talk to you first because... well, how should I put this. I have absolutely no idea how to propose to Katherine... And you've done this kinda thing before."
"Well, I proposed to Mal right as school was starting, right in front of everyone. But I would say hold off until this business in the Enchanted Forest is resolved. She's got enough on her mind as it is. Once her family gets back, find time to talk to her parents. Take her for a walk, do the things you always do. Let it come naturally and don't try to force it. You can make it a spectacle, or you can do something small, that choice is yours. But for now, just be there for Katherine. Show her you care and that you can be there for her. Right now, you are the stable force in her life. Don't complicate things like you always seem to do." We exchanged laughs at that point. My brother had hit the nail on the head.
"Thanks Ben, I feel much better about this. Now, why don't we go and get something to eat as a family. We can keep talking about things. Including this new royal heir of yours." Ben gave me a playful punch on the shoulder as we left his office and his mountain of paperwork behind.

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