Chapter 2: The Black Knight armour

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On a dark night, with the moon out and full, all seemed silent among the streets of Coolsville. We see a white Caucasian man in some England-esque clothing. He was driving a blue colored pickup truck that had a box big enough to hide a human in it. He appears to be humming to himself as he drive. However, while driving down an empty road surrounded by nothing but trees, the box in the back opens revealing not only what's inside,but the fact that what it was was what opened the box. It was a set of medieval armour. It looked at the driver of the truck through the back window of the cab area. It blinks it's creepy yellow eyes while it looked at him 


"W-What aa nervous night to be walking home from the movies, Scooby-Doo." Shaggy, a lanky teen, roughly 17, wearing a green shirt, red pants, black shoes, and had brown hair 

"And all cause you had to stay and see Star: Poke-ranger of The North Woods twice!" Shaggy adds

Scooby-Doo, a Boltund with a blue collar around his neck, and a tag that was blue with gold edges and had the letters 'SD' written on it in gold letters, turns to his lanky friend and says, "Reah, reah reah reah!"

The two then hear something that they didn't expect making them jump a little

"Rwhat was that??" Scooby asks with one ea perked up

"I-It's like, coming from the bushes. Go see what it is, Scooby." Shaggy said pointing at a moving bush. "Go see what it is, Scooby." Shaggy adds

Scooby gulps

"Don't worry, i'm right behind you." Shaggy adds

"Rthanks a lot." Scooby says with a hint of sarcasm as he sticks his head in the bush

After a minute, Scooby pulls his head  out with a frog on his nose as it croaks

"Ronly a frog." Scooby says

All of a sudden,the frog bounces off of Scooby's nose. For some reason, this angers Scooby to the point where he chases the frog while barking.

"Scooby, come back!!" Shaggy said as he followed his companion. "Wait!!" Shaggy added

Scooby was still chasing the frog until he turned a corner and lost the frog.

"Rwhere'd he go? Rwhere'd he go??" Scooby asked as he looked around

All of a sudden, Shaggy comes skidding and tripped over Scooby 

"Like next time, signal..." Shaggy said as he got up

"Rorry." Scooby apologized

Shaggy then noticed something in the near distance. "Hey, what's that?" he asked

The two walk overto the truck and see the armour in the seat

"Looks like a deserted type pickup truck." Shaggy added. "Anyone home?" Shaggy asked

All of a sudden,the helmet on the armour wiggled a little bit and fell out of the truck and onto the ground scaring Shaggy and Scooby. This makes the duo look at each other, nervously chuckle, and run off far away from the truck.


Later, Shaggy and Scooby were back at the truck with the suit of armour of which the helmet fell off of and onto the ground but with their friends, Fred, Velma, and Daphne

"You're right Shaggy, this sure is strange." Daphne said

"Yeah. What's an empty old suit of armour doing in the driver seat of this pickup?" Fred asks

"Maybe he went out for the knight, get it?" Shaggy said as him and Scooby laugh

"Very funny." Velma said with more than obvious sarcasm

"Gosh, I wonder who this creepy hunk of tin belongs to." Daphne says pointing at the armour in the truck

"Well, the name on the crate says 'Jameson Hyde White. Professor of Archaeology. London, Galar Region" Fred replies looking at the label sticker on the box

"RHyde White?" Scooby asks

"I've heard of Hide and Seek before, but i've never heard of Hyde White." Shaggy said in a joking manner

"That's an English name, you comedians." Velma says to the duo

"Hey, what's this?" Daphne says picking up a slip of paper. "It's a delivery label that says, 'Deliver to the county museum'." Daphne adds

"So THAT'S where the old knight was heading for." Velma says

"That's using the old noodle. But like, what happened to our mysterious professor?" Shaggy asks

"Well, if he was driving this truck, he's dissapeared." Daphne answers

"Well gang, it looks like we're up to our armour plates in another mystery." Fred said

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