Chapter 8: The Defeat of The Black Knight

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In the Relics Room, The Black  Knight was looking around, trying to find Mystery Inc. Fred, Velma, and Daphne poked their heads out of the top of the tank they were hiding in. Lucky for them, The Black Knight didn't see them.

Scooby and Shaggy poked their heads out of the plane they were hiding in, also un-noticed by The Black Knight. It was then that Shaggy got an idea that might help them escape the clutches of the walking tin can with a feather on his head the gang sees in front of them.

"Maybe my ventriloquism bit can get us out of this jam." Shaggy whispered. "If I can throw my voice to make it sound like it's coming from the room, he might leave."

Just then Shaggy then worked some ventriloquism magic and threw his voice to make it sound like it's coming from elsewhere.

"Help!!! Let me out of this pot!" Shaggy's voice echoed from a pot outside of the relic room

The Black Knight walked over to investigate but got confused when he saw that no one was in the pot. Meanwhile, Scooby was quietly snickering and he un intentionally used Thundershock and jumpstarted the engine of the plane him and Shaggy were hiding in.

"Help!!" Shaggy called out as the plane flew forward

"RHelp!!!" Scooby called out shortly after the plane lifted off the ground

Scooby saw an old fashioned pilot's cap and put it on.

"RScooby-Doo!" Scooby quietly cheered

When seeing the plane heading right for them, Fred, Velma, and  Daphne quickly ducked back down in the tank, Fred closing the lid just before the plane flew over them.

The Black Knight saw the plane heading right for him and naturally, he screamed and ran for it. When the plane got to the doorway, however, parts of the wings broke off before it resumed un-intentionally going after The Black Knight.

The Black Knight kept screaming as he ran. However, when he reached the end of a hall, he knew he was trapped and couldn't go anywhere.

"Zoinks! Scooby!!!" Shaggy called out, pointing at The Black Knight

"Ripe!!!" Scooby yelped as he ducked down in the plane

Out of instinct, Shaggy reached forward and pulled a lever in the front seat, hoping it was the brakes. However, it was in fact not the breaks and just made the plane go upside down.

Shaggy covered his eyes and Scooby cheered, "RScooby-Doo!!!!!"

The Black Knight screams as the plane then was right-side up again and heading straight for him. By the time Fred, Velma, and Daphne got out of the Relic Room, the plane had crashed into a wall and by effect, stunning The Black Knight.

Shaggy looked at Th Black Knight and then Scooby.

"We did it, Scooby-Doo, we did it." Shaggy comments

"RWe did?" Scooby asked before seeing The Black Knight knocked over and stunned. "RScooby-Doo!"

Scooby hopped out of the plane and went over to The Black Knight, bit down on the feather on the helmet, and pulled off the helmet revealing......

"Just as we thought!" Fred exclaimed

"It's the curator, Mr. Wickles." Daphne adds

Later, in the main lobby, an Officer Jenny had arrived and handcuffed Mr. Wickles.

Scooby-Doo! I Choose You: What a Night for A KnightOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz