Chapter 7

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Later, in the prehistoric exhibit, Scooby poked his head in and looked around. He went wide eyed when he saw a huge skeleton, having not had a bone in some time.

"RScooby-Doo!!!" Scooby cheered as he ran over to the T-Rex skeleton

Scooby then grabbed one of the bones from the leg, specifically the bottom half of the right leg. That's when the skeleton shook and fell apart. The tip of the series of bones that made up the T-Rex tail tore a curtain revealing that behind it was The Black Knight, fully alive just as Scooby, Velma, and Shaggy had seen earlier.

The Black Knight roared, scaring Scooby to the point where he tossed all the bones up in the air at once. By coincidence, they landed in the same positions they were in earlier.

"RSorry. RBye-bye!" Scooby said right before he ran off to go find the others

Elsewhere in the museum, Shaggy and Velma had found Fred and Daphne and Shaggy was trying to convince them that The Black Knight was in fact alive and roaming around.

"I tell you, The Black Knight is alive!" Shaggy stated. "And roaming through the hallways."

"If we could only find a clue." Velma says

That's when Scooby came running into view as if he had just seen a ghost, which he did in fact just see a ghost.

"It's Scooby!!" Velma out

At that exact moment, Scooby tackled Shaggy and they slid for a few seconds to further in the museum, landing by a painting they didn't notice at first was actually missing entirely.

"When Velma said 'clue', she didn't mean 'you', Scooby." Shaggy stated as they got up and noticed the missing painting. "Hey, like, wait a minute! There's a picture missing from the wall. Maybe that's a clue! We better tell the others."

"Right." Scooby replies

Later, Scooby and Shaggy had gone back to the others and were bringing them to where a painting as missing.

"It's right down here." Shaggy stated

When they got back, for whatever reason, the picture was back where it was, confusing Shaggy and Scooby the most out pf the whole group.

"There's no picture missing, Shaggy." Velma states

"Well, it was a minute ago." Shaggy responds

"Some clue." FFred comments

Daphne then spotted something red and liquidy on the ground and said, "Well, if that's........blood.....that's a clue."

Fred kneeled down and swiped his finger in the red liquid and rubbed it in-between his fingers only to find out it's just some red paint, which is in a trail.

"It's paint." Fred comments, noticing the trail. "And look! A trail of it leads down the hallway."

The group then started following the trail as Fred said, "Come on, follow that paint!"

What they did not notice however, was the eyes of te statue they walked past looking at them and moving.

Later, tey reached the end of the trail led to an egyptian mummy case. Fred had  a suspicion there was more to this specific mummy case due to the act the red paint isn't on the case itself.

"The trail of paint ends here at the mummy case." Velma comments

"Come on, Shaggy, help me open it." Fred said as he put his hands on the mummy case to open it

"Uh-uh, don't like surprises, especially spooky ones." Shaggy replied

"Oh, come on." Fred responds as he opens the mummy case, revealing it was really the door to a secret room full of painting materials

"Hey, look, a secret room!" Daphne comments

They looked around the hidden room. The place was a complete mess. Materials and paint were everywhere, even canvases were scattered across the room.

"Somebody sure is a messy housekeeper." Shaggy states, noticing the state of the room

The group then noticed two paintings which looked exactly the same, oe being unfinished and a complete phony.

"And look at that." Daphne pointed out. "There are two paintings, exactly alike."

"Are you thinking what i'm thinking?" Velma asked

The one to answer Velma was Fred.

"Right, Velma.  This just about solved the mystery." Fred answers

"RIt does?" Scooby asked

"W-W-W-W-What??" Shaggy stuttered

"No time to explain now, Shaggy, we've gotta get an Officer Jenny." Fred responds

Daphne found a second door and said, "Let's take this back way out."

When said door opened, right behind it was The  Black Knight. He had figured out the gang found the secret room and was prepared to do whatever he could to make sure the gang doesn't tell law enforcement. Everyone went wide eyed at the sight of the living armor.

"Leave it to Daphne to pick the wrong door!" Shaggy comments

The Black Knight roars loudly, scaring the near living daylights out of everybody.

"Zoinks!!" Shaggy screams as he ran behind a painting to hide, choosing a fake one

The Black Knight ran over to the painting and punched through it, missing Shaggy by one single inch. The bLack Knight growled after getting his hand out of the now broken painting.

Shaggy poked his head through the hole and said, "Scooby, like, do something!!"

Scooby then quickly put on a painters disguise, grabbed some paint, a paint pallete, a paintbrush and a canvas on an easel. He looked at the canvas, then The Black Knight. He grabbed a squirt tube of red paint and squirted it onto the pallete, and then he squirted paint right onto The Black Knight's helmet.

Scooby then snickered a little and everyone ran out of the room, just as The Black Knight punched the canvas on the easel, breaking the canvas and easel before chasing after the gang.

Scooby and Shaggy quickly ducked around a corner, The Black Knight running pasts at first, going after Fred, Velma, and Daphne. Shaggy then elbowed Scooby and gestured to a bear skin rug.

The two ran over hid under the bear skin rug. Once the two were fully hidden, The Black Knight ran into the room and stopped ahead of Scooby and Shaggy who were crawling around under the bear skin rug. Once the majority of the moving rug went past, The Black Knight stepped on a back part of it, causing  Scooby and  Shaggy to crawl out from under it.

When the two realized they were now un-covered,  they went wide eyed and quickly crawled under a table. The Black Knight ran over to the table and picked it up, only for Scooby and Shaggy not to be seen. Out of rage, The Black Knight threw the table at the wall, making it go into the wall. When what was the top of the table fell, it was revealed Scooby and Shaggy were hiding under the table and grabbed on when it was picked up.

Scooby and Shaggy shared a quick glance before running off, The Black Knight chasing after them. That is when The Black Knight chased the gang into a room labelled as the "Relic Room", that being the case cause it was full of several war relics.

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