Chapter 6: The Investigation part 1

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In the exhibit based on Ancient Egypt, Fred and Daphne were looking around not noticing one of the sarcophagi behind them open with what looked like a hand pulling it closed. 


Elsewhere in the creepy museum, Shaggy, Scooby, and Velma walk past a window. After Shaggy walked past it, he noticed the moon was full and he quickly went back and pulled the blind down over the window before getting back to Velma and Scooby.

"What did you do that for?" Velma asked, in a quiet yet demanding way

"You know how that full moon turns on that Black Knight." Shaggy explains, pointing at the armour of The Black Knight

"That's only a superstitious legend." Velma said

"Well, i'm not taking any chances." Shaggy stated

"Ri'm with you." Scooby said in agreement with Shaggy

Later, by a room with old artifacts from  Kanto, Johto, Hoeen, Kalos, and Sinnoh, Velma and Scooby look around the room, not noticing Shaggy walking right on by. The moment they went in the room a few feet, Velma and Scooby realized they got separated from  Shaggy.

"Oh, no, we've lost Shaggy!" Velma said

Scooby gulped.

Later, in the medieval exhibit, we see a moving mass made up of two shadows move along a wall. Shortly, we see these shadows belonged to Velma and Scooby who went to not only look for clues, but to look for their missing friend.

"I hope we find Shaggy soon." Velma said

Scooby's teeth then started chattering.

"Shhh, stop that noise." Velma lightly scolded

Scooby then clamped his mouth shut with his front paws The moment he removed his paws, his teeth seemed to have stopped chattering. But only one second after his paws were on the floor, his teeth started chattering again. He then clamped his mouth shut again.

Velma went silent, thinking and she then had an idea.

"I've got it." Velma said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a purple scarf and tied it around Scooby's moth keeping it shut. "That's better." she added. "Come on."

The two then walked past The Black Knight armour not noticing it and then, the armour comes alive and follows them. The two came to a stop to loo around in a Mayan exhibit.

"What a spooky place." Velma said, not noticing The Black Knight right behind them

Scooby saw a shadow go over him so naturally, he turned to see what was causing the shadow and what he saw made his tail stick up, eyes go wide, his jaw drop as if the scarf wasn't there, and a look of fear fill his eyes. He then tried to get Velma's attention by tapping her shoulder.

"Not now, Scooby. Not now." Velma said as she shook off Scooby's paw

Scooby then took off running, knocking Velma over. He then got back up and ran again this time knocking Velma's glasses off of her face.

"Hey!!" Velma shouted

Scooby was busy digging himself into a pot. Once he dug himself into the dirt in the pot, he reached out, grabbed the flower, and put it back in the pot on the dirt directly over his head then pulled his leg back into the pot.

Velma was now feeling around for her glasses, She couldn't see a thing without them. 

"Now look what that Pokemon did."  Velma said, not noticing The Black Knight walking in her direction. "He knows I can't see without my glasses."

The Black Knight then tripped over Velma, right into a wooden stock on the floor, and he let out a surprised roar as he did o. Velma looked up thinking The Black Knight was Shaggy.

"Oh, there you are, Shaggy." Velma said as she got up

The Black Knight roared as the stocks closed on him from the force of the landing. 

"You sound terrible." Velma said

The Black Knight roared some more.

"I told you to take care of that cold." Velma added as she pulled out a bottle of medicine and a tablespoon

The Black Knight once again, only roared.

"Luck I brought your medicine." Velma added as she poured some medicine into the tablespoon

Meanwhile, Shaggy was running around looking for Velma and Scooby.

"I can't find that Velma nowheres." Shaggy said as he ran but came to a stop once he saw The Black Knight in some wooden stocks. "Zoinks!!"

Luckily for Velma, Shaggy's skidding stop hit Velma's glasses hard enough to send them flying onto her face as she turned to where his voice was coming from.

"This will fix you up in a jiffy." Velma said

Shaggy did feel a bit sick lately, so he too the tablespoon and dumped the medicine in it into his mouth and then gave the tablespoon back to Velma as he swallowed the medicine.

"Let's get outta here!!" Shaggy said

"See? You sound better already!!" Velma said as Shaggy took off running, bringing her with him

Scooby then poked his head out of the pot, looked around, and once he sees Shaggy and Velma running, he jumps out of the pot, runs in air for a few seconds, then took off and the flower fell back into place and with that, they got out of the room just as The Black Knight broke the stocks he was trapped in.

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