Chapter 2

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The stars whispered and conferred as they faded to the rising sun.

As soon as the sun rose, Shadow lazily stretched and rolled over. She then sat nearby the running stream and patiently waited for Boo.

She heard Boo first, her light footsteps sounding the happiest thing Shadow has ever heard. Then, she saw Boo padding towards her with a curious expression,

"Hi!" Shadow excitedly said. 

"Hello." Boo mewed seriously. Her tail twitched and she tried to stay still .

"Is something bothering you?" Shadow asked, concerned about Boo. Different scenarios ran through her head, none good.  

What if she's here to say she doesn't like me? Or the she can't visit anymore? Or maybe she's going through something bad! What if.. what it.. 

Half panicked, Shadow paced around.

Boo nodded, nervously saying, "Yesterday I went back to my tribe like normal, but that night, I heard a voice. It was whispery but urgent. T-that voice, it told me, something that sounded like a prophecy! She cleared her voice as something overtook her.

the darkest midnight's shadow

the caring one with healing in her paws

the ice that will never cease

the rumbling earth to shake the world

and the fire that cannot be extinguished

begin the journey where endless waters shall begin

a place of warmth and cozy earth

borders waters south be seen

then head through endless sands

the heat so endless

the air so dry

every second a silent suffering

together you next tread

towards the endless snowy plains

throughout the plains, you will learn

the snow, the ice, will teach

you'll find yourself and many more

vengeance from misunderstood bitterness

betrayal from the closest ally

the sacrifice with cleric's pain

ancient powers flow through stones

each from yourself and shattered hearts

found by blood moon night

power within earth's very core

only fear can save the flames

then healing tears need save them all

glacier and blaise must cancel out

else the shadow melt in the night

at that, shadow, healer, and ice must fight

but in the end, you will learn the cost

"Ummm that sounded very difficult. And dark. And long. And confusing." Shadow muttered, confused.

Boo just shook her fur out and jumped onto a stone nearby.

Once glowing in her eyes wore off Boo exclaimed, "You must be the darkest midnight! This is a sign we can't ignore! We're special; we have to find the others! Also I got a cool looking eye now!!!!!" Boo exclaimed, suddenly animated as she thought of their fate. After she showed her left eye, now without a pupil, Shadow was still skeptical. 

"Wait does that mean you can see the future? Can you tell what I'm going to do next? What I'm going to eat tomorrow?" Can you still use your power for good? Shadow shivered as she thought of the dangerous power inside this small cinnamon- y cat. Boo yawned and mewed,

"I'm not really that type of evil person who might take over the world. Plus, my powers are weak, compared to some seers. This IS SO COOL IMA SEER AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH!" Being logical, Shadow thought some more, suddenly untrusting of this small cat again.

"We probably shouldn't just leave on a 'mission thing' because of a weird prophecy last night. Are you sure you weren't just dreaming? Or maybe you ate too many fish yesterday. There's no such thing as prophecies; if there was, they would send us a sign." Shadow said, skeptical. She then shifted her weight uncomfortably at the awkward silence this brought.

"Fine. I'll somehow get a sign." Boo pouted, as a piece of shiny moonstone stone fell from above them, smacking Shadow on the head. Shadow rolled over and rubbed her head.

'Owww, that was unnecessary."

"Well, you got your sign." Boo said teasingly. Then she got serious again.

"We need to start our mission. Now. This must be important." She then drew some determined faces in the riverbank.

"Fine, I'll come, though I wish the prophecy was wAy less vague." Shadow said, rubbing her head. "Couldn't they have just said something simple like walk around, attack some people, then BAM WHAM BAM just complete the prophecy?"

"Wait, isn't that what prophecies are about?" Boo asked, questioning her life.

Everything is going right. The stars whispered. They are on their way to bring peace.

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