Chapter 9

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A burly bear- wolflike creature yawned under the moonlight and splashed across the rippling stream. 

She snared a big fish with the light, earthy brown bobcat with gold flecks on her muzzle. Sitting down under an old maple tree, they ate. The large creature dug into the delicious meal. She sniffed, her big nose twitching, smelling wolf.

"This may be the wolf that we are looking for" she reported to her friends. Though it was nearly midnight, she felt at ease under the twinkling stars with the dark-brown bobcat.

However, the rest of her friends were more jumpy, and freaked out at the slightest of sounds. An owl hooted. Her friends jumped.

"I-It's probably just a scary evil giant giraffe that will suck our souls." The little cinnamon she-cat said, not calming her nerves

"Yeah, probably," silvery hybrid responded, hyperventilating now.

"Uh huh. It's getting late now. Maybe we should go to bed." A little brown and white she-cat said.

"YEEEEE" The silvery hybrid agreed, relieved, tired, and yet still hyper.

The black hybrid's glossy coat looked menacing- as if it was sucking up the light itself. Then, she offered, "go to bed, I'll take first watch".

"I'll keep watch with you!" A deep light- brown bobcat agreed enthusiastically, her paws dark brown as if they'd been dipped in mud. Her friends happily said yes. The midnight black hybrid and bobcat finished their fish, watched their friends for a while and then fell asleep under the twinkling stars, next to the calming river.

When the sun shone brightly, Shadow woke up and splashed in the stream just for fun.

She then evilly splashed her friends to wake them up. Offering some fish to her friends, they politely refused. She leisurely sat down to eat.

After everyone ate, she and her four friends hurriedly padded forward to continue their mission, following the scent trail of the wolf they had been tracking for days, since he kept on moving.

~ahahaha Shadow really is a seafood fanatic~

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