Chapter 35

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Dawn came over the world as birds tweeted over the forest top. The sound of the waves were still crashing delicately far away, like the ocean's heartbeat.

Tide woke up first, her albino white fur glowing lightly under the light of dawn. She sat, feeling the ocean's pulsing life only she could hear.

She collected a couple of shells to keep along the way and breathed in the ocean's salty tang.

Getting up, she ran into the ocean one more time, slicing through the waves. Tide settled down, opening her bright violet eyes. She expanded her senses and slipped into the flashes of events from the future.

Then, she saw destruction. Two paths: one where she died and saved them, and another one that had disastrous consequences.

Tide breathed in,  ~yeah i know she's underwater, but that sounds cool :P.. heheh ocean powersssss~ knowing that it was going to be her turn to be the hero soon. Confused, shaking, Tide tried to focus again.

She gasped, as she was hit with another future; she saw her future self, injured and bleeding, jumping in front of....someone....saving them... as she watched her breaths become shallow and her eyes closed. Her life floated off,  as lightly and silently as her footprints left in the sand; only to be washed away by the waves

The vision faded away as Tide saw the ocean in...front of her. She had been washed ashore. No! I must see more! I-I'm going to die! I must see more!

Taking deep breathes, she blinked out the salt and tears in her eyes. I don't want to worry the others. She thought. I'm going to keep this to myself; they all have their own problems to worry about. Padding towards the forest, she laid down and watched the rhythmic waves. Bob stirred in her sleep, batting at invisible butterflies.

Suddenly, Tide heard a sniffle, than a sob. Tide pushed her worries aside and quietly padded to the den in camp that was making the noise.

She padded past Kasai, Shadow, Icicle, and Magnar's den before reaching Boo's den. Boo was inside her den, with only one candle lighting the interior, seemingly re-reading a certain phrase in a letter. Boo's eyes blurred, and even though one eye had no pupil, Tide could see it searching through the letter. Boo sobbed once more.

"Are you okay?" Tide said, genuinely concerned. "It's alright, they'll find him," Tide said, soothing Boo.

Boo calmed down a little.

"WAIT. HOw dO yOU KnOw?" Boo sniffled.

"I'm a seer, remember?" Tide then said,

"He'll be fine."

"Did you see my dad coming back?" Boo sniffed.

"I don't need to see the future to know that it's true." Tide comfortingly.

Boo was genuinely comforted by this, and mewed,

"My dad was, uh is the best. He would give me snuggles and tell me bedtime stories when I was sad. I loved him... I wanted to be just like him. And his laugh... Oh his laugh was like his paws, ragged and strong, but I, I liked it that way ..." Boo, suddenly thinking she had said to much, stopped abruptly and looked at her paws.

"I hope you feel better. You dad wouldn't want you moping around. He's tough. I'm sure he'll back just fine."

"Okay." Boo's voice wobbled. They padded out, where Shadow, Kasai, Bob, and Magnar had just brought back prey. Magnar tried again, and brought some prey to Boo.

"I hope you feel better; you've been moping around for a while. You were no fun when you were sad.." Magnar purred playfully. Tide turned slightly pink, and turned away to Shadow.

Boo also blushed a little but ignored him, shooting a supposed to be icy glare at him that meant for him to give her some time. Seeing that Boo wanted him to leave her alone, Magnar shot her a devilish grin as he padded towards Icicle.

"So, now we're heading towards the desert, according to the prophecy." Kasai said.

"Okay, idiot." Bob said. Shadow rolled her eyes and tried to talk some sense into Icicle.

"Do you see Magnar flirting with Boo? Can't you choose to like anyone BUT him?" Shadow snapped.

"You JELLYOUS????" Icicle replied cluelessly. Shadow rolled her eyes at Icicle's cluelessness, with Bob leading the way, the group headed through the dry desert.


Midnight MoonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora