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   My mind was clouded, just like my eyes. How could she do this to me? I was there for her; I took care of her; I loved her. And she left me for another man. Seven years of our lives together, thrown away, for what? She barely knew him, she’s known me since primary school. She knew me better than anyone. My heart ached, a hole ripped through my chest.
   I could barely see, maybe because of the tears? Or all the pills I had taken? I tried to blink the fog away, but it remained — the pills. Drowsiness took over my body, my hands barely holding onto the steering wheel any longer. I went numb, the dead weight pressed hard on the gas.  The world went black.

   It was quiet, was I dead? The only sound I could hear was the flowing and bubbling of water. I felt wet, what was this?
   My eyes fluttered open. I still saw my car around me, but now it had engulfed in water. I was going to drown. I already inhaled some water. It burned my lungs and woke me. At least I can feel something now. The lack of oxygen hurt my brain and made me lightheaded. My eyes burned from the salty water entering them. My mouth opened, needing air - and fast. Only water came, and it hurt like hell, it felt like death was consuming my body. My lids grew heavy, and the burn that was ripping my lungs apart started to disappear.
   Peace finally came to me with open arms.

Lost BoysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon