The Death

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Everyone knew Kyle wasn't feeling himself after Erin had left him; he was only a shell of a man with no feeling left. But no one knew he would do this. They tried to take his mind off of everything, but when they left, it always went right back to her, it still did.

The phone call with his parents shocked them, her sweet voice sobbing on the phone to them, saying her poor baby is dead was surreal. There was no way! The six of them just saw him an hour prior, how was it possible that the lively boy was now gone? How could he do this to them?

No one said a word, how could they, when all of their thoughts were his smiling face that was now long gone. All six of them were clung to each other for dear life, not knowing what to do, tears pouring out of their eyes. Even though Kyle had been out a long time to clear his head, they didn't expect this at all.

It hit Rowan first, the black-haired boy felt a massive pain in his chest and punched a hole in their living room wall, screaming. Only the picture of Kyle in his clouded brain drove him further, tears sprawled out of his eyes as he collapsed onto the floor. And after it was a chain reaction, each of their worlds coming to a halt once realization washed over them. All were crying; quite hard at that, sobs ripping out of their throats almost sounding like screams.

The youngest, Adam, had soon run out of quiet sobs and sat there, sniffling and wiping the still-falling tears. He was clinging tightly onto Blaize - who Adam doesn't recall has cried in front of anyone before. He studied all five of his best friends, all of their broken features on their dreadful faces.

Blaize was hugging him tightly, his cheek resting on the youngest boy's head, making Adam's dirty blond hair wet with Blaize's salty tears. Blaize was shaking hard, the violent sobs escaping his pink lips as he wept. Adam pulled him in tight, trying to steady the boy and himself as they both cried. Blaize's hands were gripped onto Adam's shirt so tight; he was scared it was going to rip. He tore his eyes away.

Adam's eyes landed on Oliver; the orange-and-pink-haired boy was staring at the wall as tears rolled down his cheeks to his neck. There was a lost look in his dull brown eyes, he was thinking, Adam didn't know what of. He reached a weak hand towards his mourning friend, Oliver's eyes flashed towards Adam then his hand. He unwrapped a thin arm that was tightly wound around his ribs, taking the younger's into his own. More tears welled in Oliver's eyes and rushed, hurriedly down his flushed cheeks. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to clear his vision, only making more tears fall down his face and rest on his damp shirt. Adam's chest felt tight; he couldn't look at the pain on Oliver's face any longer.

His eyes switched to Dylan; he looked thoughtful. His red and tearful eyes plastered on the floor, lost in another world it seemed. He was mindlessly petting Noah's head that was pressed firmly to his ribs; he doubted that Dylan even knew he was doing it. Adam drew his attention away from the brown-eyed man.

Noah picked up his droopy head and spoke for the first time in what feels like forever, drawing everyone's attention towards him. His voice was weak as he spoke, cracking and breaking with every word.

"I miss him," he spoke, shattering everyone's heart. He wasn't the youngest, but he was the most fragile.

Noah's head fell back on Dylan again, everyone looking at him with sorrow-filled eyes. Adam saw Rowan stand up and rush to his room. Adam figured he needed a break from this, the unnerving feeling that this was real, not some sick dream. He knew Rowan had a hard time dealing with death after his mom's and grandmother's passing, but he didn't know what would happen in the wake of destruction that was eventually about to happen. Adam would've done anything not to let this happen to the tired man, but now he has to deal with another hard and emotional death - the death of his best friend. He wanted to run after him and make sure he was alright, but he knew it was best to leave him alone, it hurt to watch him walk away.

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