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PS. the second picture is Kulaura not Lunette

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, lived a beautiful young woman named Kulaura. She lived in a cottage with her aging mother at the edge of the forest. Kulaura worked as a messenger between towns, because the citizens were to afraid to enter the forest. The forest of Evandesanse was shrouded in mystery. Tales of magical creatures and monsters swarmed the minds of the villagers so much so only the bravest hunters and militia entered the forest. But then there was also Kulaura. Every morning she would rise before the sun and ride through the forest to deliver important documents and goods.

One morning she felt change in the air. She donned her dull-brown messengers cloak and fastened her mothers silver pin to her soft black hair and sped away on her horse. Her long raven colored hair flapped in the wind, and her sky blue eyes shone as she entered the forest. Her horse sped along her usual path until she saw a streak of silver out of the corner of her eye. Intrigued, she stopped her horse and cautiously looked around. To her surprise, she found a large silver colored wolf, with green eyes staring back at her. She was about to run back to her horse, when she noticed his large paw caught in a trap. One look in his eyes and she could tell he was in extreme pain. She approached very slowly, expecting the wolf to growl or make a warning noise, but to her surprise it just stared. She took out her pocket knife and crouched in front of the wolf who simply held its blood encrusted paw up to her hand. Careful not to hurt him, she pried the jaws of the trap open and he slid his paw out. He gave a grateful look and bounded away, favoring a leg. She mounted her horse and rode away, not quite believing what happened.

We now turn the story over to Sterling, the wolf Kulaura rescued.

Every morning, Sterling would rise out of his den and silently watch the beautiful young woman ride by. Always careful that she couldn't see him, he would silently run along side her horse among the shadows. The reason the young maiden always felt safe and was never attacked by the creatures of the forest, was because of Sterlings secret presence. You see, they feared him. Wherever he was, they would always stay far, far away, for the wrath of the wolf was great. One fateful morning, sterling left his den and went to the forest to secretly guard the woman as she entered the forest. Walking along the path, something snapped at his paw, grabbing it in its large metal jaws. After recovering from the blinding pain, he recognized it as a hunters trap and knew he would not be guarding her through the forest today. He was about to start gnawing at his paw when she rode past him, then stopped abruptly. Fearful that she would run, he stood completely still and watched her. She slowly approached him and took a sharp piece of metal out of her cloak. He held up his paw and she very carefully took it off. He was overcome with gratefulness as he ran away, careful of his injured paw.

He went back to his den to rest, so he could guard her on her way back. While in his den he tossed and turned, trying to sleep, but failing utterly. His mind churned as he thought over his actions, until it churned out an answer to a question never asked. He was in love with this young human. The way she walked, the way she helped him even though she was clearly afraid of him. He also realized love with this girl was not possible. Unless...

Sterling ran with all his might towards the witches cottage at the center of the forest. Because he, just like the majority of creatures in this forest was magical, he healed quickly. So by the time he reached the old lady's front door, his paw was completely healed. Upon knocking on the door, the witch ushered him in. He explained that he would like to become human, and why. She thought of this for a moment, and then explained that she could cast a spell that allowed him to transform into a human at will, BUT he would still have the ears tail and fangs of a wolf. He eagerly agreed, and she cast the spell. His body distorted, light shining through cracks in his changing body. His fingers grew longer, his silver fur shrank back into his body and he was transformed into a human, minus the ears and tail of course. She handed him some clothes, showed him how to act in his new body, and he went on his way. He followed the path to the town, and exited the forest. He found his way to the woman's cottage and knocked on the door.

After a few months, they began courting, and eventually became married. Kulauras mother moved into town, and they lived in Kulauras small cottage. But of course before they were married, he revealed his identity to her. She was shocked of course, but loved him still.

A few years later, Kulaura told her husband that she was with child. Over joyed, he ran to the village to tell the new grandmother the good news. The thing is, he forgot his cloak. As he ran, the villagers stared at his ears and tail. They crowded around him with sword and torches. "Demon!" They chanted, as they pounced on him. He used his inhuman might to shake them off, but some one got a gun and shot him in the stomach. Weakened, they tied him to a pole and lit a Bon fire around him. He screamed in agony and eventually his howls grew weaker and weaker, until he was silent. Sterling was dead.

Sorry guys, this story probably isn't that great, but I try my hardest. This is my first story ever, so please be nice about it.
And I know my spelling sucks, so to bad.


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