Chapter 2

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Just a random picture. Ps, that's her dress.

With a groan, Luna's eyes fluttered open. After starting at the canopy of trees above her, Lunnette slowly got up from her bed of sticks and tree roots and looked round. Suddenly she remembered what happened. With a gasp, she looked down at her bloody hands and dress. A wave of sadness and guilt, struck her, and she was about to shed tears, when she smelled smoke. Her nose twitched as she rolled the sent. Slowly, the twists and turns of the forest began to look more and more familiar. She broke through the trees and into a clearing and saw the source of the smoke. "Mom!" Luna shouted into the smoldering debris. "Mom! Where are you?!" She bellowed stepping carefully over the still burning logs.

Eventually she found her mother. Or more accurately her mothers corpse. She gingerly picked up her deceased mother and carried her outside onto the grass. She went bad inside and looked around for something to work as a shovel. When she was satisfied with her " shovel" she came back out. Blinking back tears, she started to dig. Eventually, her sobs became full blown wails, and her jet black ears flattened against her head.

She lowered her mother into her grave and carefully folded her charred arms over her chest. When she looked at her mother, she saw something was missing. She shifted around the ashes of her house, until she found her mothers silver pin and stuck it to her mothers hair.

When her mother was buried she began to get curious. What had started the fire that killed her mother? Ears forward and nose twitching again, she sniffed around for clues.
Sorry it's really short, but I have a lot to do, encludeing my big hockey game

Wish me luck,

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