We've Returned Home

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They were playing in the quarry again just like they were kids, it wasn't long before Richie was crying but the losers expected it, he had just lost the love of his life and wasn't even able to get him out.They were standing hugging Richie when suddenly things stated floating towards them, the all jumped after dealing with things going at them all day like oh I don't know .....a demonic clown. The first thing that got close to them floated straight to Bev, It was a piece of paper she hesitantly opened it, it was a postcard but not just any post card, Her post card, she turned it around a sure enough " Your hair is winter fire,January Embers, My heart burns there to - Your secret admirer" she whispered as she read it.The Losers were looking at her expectantly " it's my postcard" she stated, " b-b-but you burned it in the f-fire it would have been long g-g-gone" Bill said  " goes the ritual of chüd was right about something" Mike stated All the losers looked at him " You will probably all get something if its right you see the ritual said that "in the end the love will return" it means you get something back you loved or a memory of something you loved, in this case Bev got her post card cause it reminds her of Ben" be looked at the postcard then more things started floating towards them.

The next thing that came was Mike's item, It was a small a box of pens and a notebook "huh I forgot about this, it's the Thought book", the small brown book had " Losers Thots" it was supposed to say" thoughts" but Richie had involvement so of course it said something else.Mike opened it, and saw all the losers handwritings mushed onto all the pages, the Thot book was kept in the clubhouse and was where all the losers communicated, you could  put pictures, Ideas or  pretty much anything inside and they would all write back it was like a scrapbook and a diary for all of them. Mike remembered this notebook, it was always being wrote in, with new things or new comments on something somewhen said. The box of pens was filled with 7 pens one for each of the losers to write with. Richie had a bright yellow pen with "FUCK OFF" written in large letters on the side, he bought just to spite Eddie when he said " Richie you can't take that to school so its basically useless".Bev had a red and gold pen  with fire rapping around the design of the pen, ben gave it to her.Ben's had a  ruler and a level pen, Bev gave it to him after getting her pen, she said she had liked the design of it plus he could check the level of the boards in the clubhouse easily.Mike had a Disney World pen that had that Bill gave him from one his family vacations, it said Florida on it in big letters and was Mikes favorite.Bill had a feather with a pen tip, nobody knew where he had got it but Richie always had teased bill about the pen. Mike had pulled out the Pen one by one handing them to  corresponding owners, all the loser were remaking about the book until silence came all that was left was Stan and Eddies pens, Eddie had a small pen that doubled as a hand sanitizer spray Richie had given it to him as a joke but Eddie used it all the time, Stan had a wood carved blue Robin pen, Bill had carved for him and gave it to him just before he had left Derry,Mike didn't take them out.

Mike got all the pens and put them back into the box, next came ben's Item, It was a Walkman with worn out headphones attached to it, " this is the one I had on when I first formal meant you Bev, when you signed my yearbook" Ben stated remembering when he had meant her, Bev with her sarcasm and personality, just like her hair, just like fire, He smiled.

Nothing was floating toward Richie or Bill, " just great, i guess your ritual doesn't think we deserve something we loVE" as Richie said that he got pulled under. All the losers took guard  non of them had pulled him under then what the fuck was it " Just then a Head popped out but it wasn't Richie, Then Richie popped up " What The Fuck" he yelled, " shut up dickwadI've got a headache" said the person next to him as he turned around, Richie grabbed his glasses and put them on "Eddie?" "Yeah,dickface" The person was Eddie but Eddie was... dead. Richie Grabbed Eddie and held him in head lock " Alright, little shit you've messed with us all day but I draw the line here if you're trying to eat us just come out and do it ,the bits getting old" Richie yelled at Eddie " what the fuck are you talking about we killed it, Richie its actually me "  Eddie yelled back" how?" Richie released his grip, if it was the fucking clown he was ready to go anyway " I don't know man... I was dead but then it was like something popped up and said " you are loved and you love" and then boom I was almost downing underneath you all"  Eddie stated while rubbing his head. " Mike did the ritual say anything about people" Mike Nodded " they can be brought back too" He was going to continue about the love thing, but Richie gave him a look that said not a word.

Just then Bill's wrist was grabbed by a hand, Bill lifted his wrist out of the water and the hand followed showing an arm with small cuts down it, " damn this thing has a grip"  then came a head which popped up gasping for air,  it was a man with curly black hair and small glasses that went into panic "nonononono I'm supposed to be dead that the only way it would work, please tell me its dead, it has to be dead" This man gripped Bill shirt ' yes its d-dead" The man breathed  out and relaxed " who are you?"Bill asked, The man looked into his eyes " Its me Stan". All the losers stared in aw as they looked at the man's appearance you could tell it was him, " Stan" Bill hugged him without hesitation. " I'm guessing your Bill" Stan said after Bill had released him, Bill blushed after realizing Stan was being hugged by a total stranger to himself, " and you guys must be, Mike,Bev,Richie,Eddie,and Ben" Stan said getting each persons identity right " How could you tell" Ben asked, " well it wasn't that hard to find Richie or Eddie considering how Eddie is using Richie like a cat post" Stan pointed out, Eddie quickly realized he was gripping Richie's arm and back and let go " plus you know good judgment" Stan shrugged. " So can we get out of this lake?" Eddie asked as they went to get out, Eddie rode back to the town house with Richie cause A he didn't have a car and B he wanted to ride with Richie anyway  and Stan rode with Bill. They got to the town house and showered and cleaned up" You guys wanna go back to the Chinese Restaurant tonight, y'know on better terms" Mike yelled up the stairs, yells of agreement came from upstairs.

They had arrived at the Chinese restaurant, Stan had borrowed some different clothing items from all the losers since he had none.They all sat, " Stan. What. The. Fucking. Hell."Richie said, Stan looked at him guilty he though Richie as going to talk about the suicide thing" you got hot and I mean almost as hot as ben" Richie finished, " shut up Rich" Stan said hiding his face in his hands as all the losers laughed. " man it is good to see you" Bill said to Stan all the losers nodded in agreement when Stan wasn't there it was off, there something missing, someone.The losers spent that night enjoying their Life worry free lives, no demon clown, no work,just them, they had a wonderful time.The next morning they all headed to the airport there was a lot of teary goodbyes and good lucks, they had all exchanged phone numbers and even started a group chat.

*Ping* Richie phone lit jus waking him from his nap he picked it up to see a message

Eddie.K- Hey I've landed

Richie Tozier- good for you say hi to the misses

Beverly Marsh-that's good eddie, ben and I have been home for about an hour or so

Ben-Im glad you made it home safe

Bill-Me too, just landed a few minutes ago waiting for luggage

Stan Uris-None of you use proper sentence structure.

Richie Tozier- alwayz love to hears form ya Sten

Stan Uris  Has left the Chat

Beverly Marsh Has Added Stan Uris to the group

Stan-Shit, I can't escape.

Beverly Marsh-Nope

Richie Tozier- Nope

Eddie.K-Belive me, i've tried

Richie Tozier- Omg we can change names

Eddie.K- Omg? what are we middle schoolers

Richie Tozier- Shut up were like 20

Stan Uris:We're* Also we're all 26 so no.

Richie Tozier- Shut the fuck up Stan

Bill Den:Shut ur fucking mouth Rich


Bill Den:I defended you

Stan: I. Don't.Care.

Richie went back to sleep after setting his phone down, a slight smile on his face, Little did he know all the Losers were sharing that smile.

This is Homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें