We're Headed For Home

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Richie and Eddie ( yeah that's right we will talk about Bill and Stan later y'all can wait) we're getting ready for moving, everything was going into boxes and getting put in a truck to head to the fancy new house in New York which was sold to them yesterday and all the losers except Stan and Bill we're getting ready to go. " hey Richie I found something of yours, I think it's some old joke books or something" Eddie yelled as Richie slid into the room snatching the books away from Eddie and taking them with him " nothing you need to worry about Eds just some journals from my lovely youth, know talking about my love for your mom and who she always use to be so good in b-" Eddie cut Richie off by throwing a pillow in his face " okay shut up dickwad I'll just steal one and look at it later" Eddie mocked, putting more things into another box. Richie walked out to announce that he had gotten everything in his room and bathroom packed, Eddie had already packed his room and was working on the living room and kitchen. They packed and packed until they were done and soon enough they were on their way. Once they arrived at the house that went to find there respective rooms because the traveling was tiring and the would worry about unpacking in the morning. On the second floor was the 7 bedrooms and 7 of the bathrooms as the other 1, Eddie choose the bedroom at the end of the hall and Richie choose the one right next door calming it would be easier to get used to since they already lived close. None of the other loser would be driving soon due to having to pack by themselves and having bigger houses plus selling and all that shit. So Richie headed out on the town with their dog and found a restaurant to eat at but ended up getting take out. Eddies Phone buzzed as they were eating at home

Bev- Can I come to the house tomorrow ? 

Eddie.K- Sounds lovely I can't put up with chee's shit alone for much longer 

Richie- Awwww love you to babe 

Stan Uris- Shut. The. Fuck. Up.

Richie-So agressive 

Bill Den-You should see how aggressive he is in bed 

Bill Den Deleted a Message


Richie-Ive never seen anything deleted faster in my life 


Ben-sorry but i don't think anyone could have caught that 

Mike-he's right 

Stan Uris-I saw it and I'm not telling you what it said

Bill Den- you were right next to me when I wrote it so I'd say you saw it unless your blind?

Stan Uris-Don't test me Denbrough.

Richie-oh god Bill run Stan is going to murder you 

Eddie K.- anyone else moving into the house soon?

Ben-Ill be in about a week

Bev-  tomorrow

Mike-In about three days 

Stan Uris- Two weeks, I'm helping bill "Pack" right now so I must go.

Bill Den-Two weeks and um yeah Pacrhkfhfukr

Richie- Stan murdered him

Bev-Why the fuck was "Pack" written like that

Ben- an error maybe?

Bev-I suppose 

Eddie put his phone down and looked at Rich from across the living room, " there's no fucking way that was an error" Eddie said " I agree, maybe they just wanted to lie and seem productive when there really just laying around doing nothing" Rich suggested, Eddie nodded agreeing.

Little did he know how wrong they both were.

Beverly was at a hotel that night and thinking through her feelings( Yeah thats right fuckers no Stan and Bill, You fucking thought) , she had left her husband so she had no home to pack up and no where to go, Ben offered her a stay at his but she insisted she would be fine. Ben, god, Ben  was one of the sources of Beverly's problems, she really liked Ben she had since she was little it just took her some time to realize( 27 years). Then there was Bill, sure he hadn't written the poem but she still felt stuff towards him, Bill maybe didn't like her anymore but she didn't know if she still liked him, she had kissed him for god sakes and still didn't know.She thought about her kiss with Ben, the butterflies she felt like she was a schoolgirl with a crush again, she didn't even remember if she felt that way with Bill. Things were just so confusing, she was scared , sure she trusted her friends but she didn't want another repeat of Tom, she was so glad that when she had kissed them that neither one expected anything back. She would be moving into the new house tomorrow but she was already in New York, she didn't want to leave her things at the mercy of her husband  and didn't want to have to go back alone so she was having them shipped and moved into the house by movers, mostly just clothes and other things.Bev taught about her friends and how god damn obvious it was, Richie should have already bucked up and told Eddie considering they already act like they're married half the time and it clear Eddie is all goggly over Rich. God none of them could get there shit together and love someone, the whole group was a just a spitball of feelings for different people in the group. She was pretty sure about Richie and Eddie,Then  there was her With Bill and Ben, and then Mike and Stan but she wasn't sure there, and then Richie and Stan who she was like 50% sure were together at one point, and then Bill and Eddie who she knew hadn't actually happened but it seemed like it, oh god half of those things had faded away but she couldn't help but feel like she was missing something.She couldn't place it so she figured that was all the emotional mess going one in the group, she had gotten all the relationship like her and Ben and Bill and Richie and Eddie, no one else really had establish feeling for each other right now.

Little did she know how wrong she was. 

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