We Are Home

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It had been two months (big time skip I know)  since the losers had all moved in together, everything was going fine, just peachy. Stan and Bill left a lot together went to a hotel for reasons or just out on their little dates, the losers still didn't know they weren't sure show to tell them they had been dating for a while and there was no turning back from decisions since it had been two months.It just so happened to be Stan and Bill's two month anniversary in about three days, Bill had planned everything out, he and Stan would leave at 6:00 sharp,go to their favorite  dinner place, then go out somewhere on the town, and return to a hotel for the night then return to the house just before the losers woke up.They had the overnight bags in Bills trunk already and if the losers asked they were just going shopping for stuff, it was going to be perfect. 

" wow can you believe its gonna be two months already Bill?" Stan asked as he was  reading on a sofa on Bill's personal balcony in his room, "yeah I can,I love being with you" Bill said as he played down resting his head in Stan's lap. " you really think we're gonna last, like forever?" Stan asked, Bill looked up Stan had that look on his face, same one he had when he asked if they were all still going to be friends when they grew up on that fateful day in the clubhouse, " hey" Bill reached up and tilted Stan's face to look at his own," we will always be together.Always.I just got you Stan Uris, Im not letting go. Never." Bill said his voice firm and honest. " I know it sounds like a stupid question, its just" Stan paused thinking of the right words to say " I worry sometimes, that you guys are gonna just up and leave me for some reason and I'm gonna be alone again" Stan said shifting his eyes away from Bill's. " Im never leaving you Mr.Uris , you're gonna be stuck with me forever" Bill said dragging out the R, Stan laughed and smiled down at him, it was perfect, they were perfect.

It was Bill and Stan's anniversary and so far it had been great, Stan snuck into Bill's room to say good morning and gave him a small sliver bookmark, when Bill asked what it was Stan said it was for when he was writing and to read it."For encouragement when writing gets tough. I Love you, forever and always, I know you can do this-Your  Mr.Rich,Smart and Famous, Stanley" Was engraved in the small silver sliver, "y-you l-love me?" Bill asked, this was the first time they had ever brought up the word," surprise, have since I meant you and your stupid cute everything, is that okay?" Stan said looking off into the distance, Bill could tell he was starting to cave in." I love you too, so fucking much" Bill scooted up to him and kissed him, he could feel Stan's smile in the kiss. " that isn't the last gift, i have a shit ton more that I will be sharing throughout the day" Stan informed him, Bill was so excited Stan was always so good at giving gifts but even if Stan would have got him piece of dog shit he would have loved it because it was from Stan. " can you tell me what were doing today now?" Stan asked, Bill was keeping g the dinner and stuff a complete surprise " nope" Bill started to brush his teething get ready for the day "you know its 9:00 if you don't go to your room soon bev's gonna barge into it and not find you their and find you here" Stan looked at the clock Bill was right, he ran out side the balcony and crossed over to his on the makeshift bride they had made between the two since their rooms were right next to each other. Sure enough Bev barged through his door as soon as Stanley got inside his room " Can I help you?" Stan asked her " oh there you are I was worried, I kept calling your name you weren't answering" Stan knew why she was worried,everyone was worried if Stan stayed in a place alone to long, nobody wanted to say why but he knew. Stan was tired of it sometimes but he was also grateful, there was always someone their to make sure he was okay.Richie would go up to Stan's room and pop his head in, Bill was usually present at most times, Eddie would make sure he was healthy every time he came back from doing something alone,Bev would ask him questions from where ever she was to make sure he was still responsive,Ben would go out on the town with him and go birdwatching so he had someone to talk to, and Mike was always there to sit down and talk or just sit in silence and enjoy the company.Stan finished getting ready for the day, putting on some nice clothes for his boyfriend and fixing his hair just the way Bill liked it. He walked downstairs to see Eddie at the kitchen island drinking coffee while discussing the morning news with Richie who wasn't taking any of it seriously, a shiny ring on his left hand that matched the one on Richie's, yes they were still "Married" and they didn't plan on giving up anytime soon because by this time they had already figured out how to function.He sat down next to Bill who was discussing day plans with the  rest of the losers and drank his coffee, " Stan!" Bill nudged him breaking him out of his thoughts "huh?" "we're going shopping today right?" Bill asked egging him on "oh what yeah" Stan said nodding and going back to the newspaper.

He slightly listened as the losers continued in casual conversation, he couldn't help but focus on one conversation in particular, Richie's and Eddie's, "I don't get it Chee, we could literately just give up and tell them" Eddie whisper argued, " We could do that and then so many things could go wrong, can we just wait a bit?" Richie pleaded also in a hushed tone. Stan had already guessed what it was about because he knew few weeks ago, well he had know since they were 10 but that was besides the point, Richie and Eddie were a couple.Stan didn't know if anyone else had know yet but cmon it was obvious about a week into the bet they started acting much different, more guarded around each other and Richie wasn't as all over Eddie as he usually would be, It didn't take him long to put together the pieces that they were acting  together. Eddie would freak out anytime they were too over affectionate and the harsh nicknames had  stopped along with Richie's "annoying" nicknames for Eddie, they were trying to distance so it wouldn't raise a suspicion, but it was the exact opposite. Stan understood though, being in a relationship where you don't know if people will like it or not is hard,Stan had experienced it first hand and he was still a bit confused.He had tried to pretend things didn't happen, like he didn't see Bill's gaze land on Bev for a bit to long or he hadn't seen Bev linger for a bit to long in a hug, maybe he was just being stupid but you never know  they had a thing what if Bill just... Changed his mind and decided Stan wasn't worth it and someone else was.Stan shook those thoughts away because goddammit it was his anniversary and he was gonna have a  good time today.

It was now later in the afternoon and Stan and Bill were out eating, Bill had chosen a small restaurant that him and Stan returned to frequently, it wasn't too fancy and the food was good so it worked. Stan had been giving him gifts all day each pertaining to a special memory, supposedly Stan had one more gift but Bill couldn't get it till that night.They headed out on the town and had a good time, once they got to their hotel they sat on the balcony looking at the view. "God I can't believe I'm here,let alone with you" Bill said, " neither can I, it seems like I thought about this day for so long and it's finally here" Stan sighed, "awww you thought about me?" Bill laughed out " yeah I did, didn't know who you were just thought I had a crush on a really hot writer" Stan looked at the stars.

 "oh by the way, here is your last gift" Stan handed him a small box that contained a ring, on the inside it read "wake up, your love is waiting just behind your eyes" It was a quote from one of Bill's books, the character based off Stan was the main character, most of his fans joked that that whole book was just a love poem towards that character, it was one of his favorites he had ever wrote and now he knew why. " w-what's this here for?" Bill asked examining the small silver band " It's from your favorite book you wrote and it's my favorite that I have read, I've had it since it came out and that quote stuck in my mind always" Stan thought back to the old paperback and worn copy he kept everywhere with him " when I was under or dead, there was this figure and right before I woke up and was back it said that quote, the first sight I woke up to had been you looking at me so I guess they were right" Stan looked at the ring as Bill slid it on. " I l-love it, s-so much, god I love y-you so m-much, I always w-will forever and e-ever" Bill kissed Stan softly and Stan melted, so they sat there kissing in the moonlight, everything was perfect, they were perfect

Until they weren't.

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