Attack on USJ

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" It had been a little while since the first day of school, and The teachers surprised us by going to the USJ! We got sent to the mountain range just doing some basic stuff, when all of the sudden they were villains running right towards us. I was terrified didn't know what was going on, but Momo made both me and her swords to fight."

" Wait, guys, I need a sword too, right now I'm completely useless with my quirk I will hurt you guys too!" Kaminari yelled.

" Then you'll just be a human stun gun" I yelled kicking him towards a man, as Momo made an electric proof blanket for us to hide under. It was at this moment when I saw Kaminari whispering something to one of the villains who was being slightly electrocuted. Only for the man to say goddamnit. And then Kaminari hit his limit and was grabbed by the man. All Kaminari did was his stupid thumbs up motion. I was about to plug in my earphone jack to my boot when the man said this.

" If any of you move this dumbass gets killed, even though I wouldn't want to kill one of my electric brothers!"

Then All Might came and the villains were all caught by other hero's just like that, I had a sneaking suspicion that someone here was the trader. I looked towards Kaminari before telling myself to shut up. " No way it's him, Kyoka."


Another short One!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm gonna make another USJ one though

Why Would I Trust You? A KamiJirou Fanfic.  Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora