After Math of the USJ

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It had been a bit since the USJ Incident, but we were finally allowed to return to school. I had to Convince my parents to allow me to come back, I mean after all if my kid had been attacked by extremely strong villains while on a school field trip I wouldn't like it if they came back either. But somehow I managed to convince my parents and they allowed me to go back. Apparently Mr. Aizawa got hurt so we weren't expecting him to come to school today. And all of the sudden.

" Hello class we have some bad news, that we'll need to discus." Mr.Aizawa said while being completely wrapped up in bandages. " First the school and I are all extremely sorry about what happened and have sent a letter to each one of your parents. Second, there is a theory that there might be a trader at the school, Of course thats not gonna be anyone of you.

I looked to my right and saw Kaminari choke on his water, as his face turned pale. "There's no way it's him I thought to myself that idiot couldn't keep a secret like that, could he?"

"Damnit" He mumbled under his breath.

"What do you mean damnit?" Kirishima asked.

"I mean like damnit I couldn't even help!" He said scrambling to find his words.

" what's up with you?" I asked, causing him to immediately become nervous.

"What nothing!" He yelled getting everyone's attention, causing him to sink back into his chair.

"Denki can I have a word with you?" Aizawa asked, causing everyone else to oooh! Making him extra worried.

He got up and walked into the hall with Mr. Aizawa. " am I not the only one?" I asked my self quietly. After around five minutes and a huge shock Kaminari walked in ......................... With a stupid expression on his face with his thumbs up, causing everyone to laugh. "I guess I am, wait what am I saying of course he's not the traitor he couldn't be!"

"What's with the look on your face?"

I looked up to see a non-stupid Kaminari looking down at me.


"If you say so."

As he turned around he mumbled something I'll never forget. "Why will I have to fight against you?" He said with a sad look, but not knowing that I heard him.

That's when I realized it really was him...

Ah two in one day, this ones a bit longer so that's nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2020 ⏰

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