Chapter 6: Arriving at Aslan's Camp

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Sara guessed the sun must have risen about two hours ago. She was glad. That meant they would be under less scrutiny and they could cover more ground.

It was already warmer than yesterday, and she was able to roll up her sleeves as she limped alongside her centaur guardians. They slowed their pace for her, as she refused to mooch off rides from Daria any longer.

They were a little skeptical about her since the incident last night with the wolves, but they remained friendly. Daria would shoot them a warning glance whenever they questioned Sara and her intentions.

Shortly after noon, red and gold tents began appearing on the horizon, stretching across the hills and plateaus far as the eye could see.

Aslan's camp, Sara thought. Her heart began thumping, and she found her breath trying to escape her again. She steadied herself as they made it inside the borders of the camp. She brought to mind a little spite for Teklin who seemed to believe she wouldn't make it this far.

Perhaps she was a little surprised herself that she was walking into this camp. Not simply because Teklin threatened her and she was still wounded from his attack, but because she was entering the camp of the enemy, the ones she was supposed to kill, and she was welcome here.

The camp hushed as all eyes trained on her, nearly overlooking her companions altogether. She squirmed a little, feeling self conscious at the way they all stared at her, excitedly whispering among each other.

While she glanced around nervously, a faun trotted up to the group and addressed Sara. "Your Highness, we have long been awaiting your arrival. My name is Kira. If you'll accompany me to the medical tent we can get your wounds cleaned up and I can get you to your own tent." She fidgeted. "I-if you wish."

Sara nodded. "Yes, please," she replied, following the faun into a nearby tent.

"You can sit there," Kira said, gesturing to a neatly made bed on the far side of the tent," Your Majesty," she added quickly.

"Please, just Sara." She settled there, relieved to be off of her aching feet and out of the eyes of everybody else. She watched Kira drape a couple towels over a shoulder and pick up a bowl of water. She carried it over to Sara and set the bowl on the table next to the bed, then began stripping the bandages from the deepest wound on Sara's arm. The fraying fabric was soaked and sagging from its originally firmly tied position.

"Well, Sara, it seems you had a run in with some unhappy canines," Kira observed, dampening her white cloth and pressing it gently into the wound.

"Yes indeed," was all Sara could bring herself to say.

Kira opened a small container containing some kind of gel. "This is going to hurt a little, but I promise it's going to make it heal faster." She began gently dabbing it onto the gash.

Sara held her breath at the sudden burning sensation, recoiling a little.

"Aslan is returning tonight from recruiting soldiers for your army," Kira commented, "and there's going to be a celebration in honor of his arrival. We can fix you up with a nice dress if you would like to attend."

The name shook her to the core, and the thought of seeing Aslan in person shook her even deeper. But, if she wanted to stay in the good graces of the Narnians, she decided she should attend. "I would really appreciate that. Thank you."

The pain subsided.

"Wonderful. We're all fixed up here, so I'll make sure to get you a few dresses to choose from. I'm sure it will be much more comfortable than this tunic." Kira gestured to the torn up fabric hanging from Sara's shoulders.

"Absolutely. Thank you. You are very kind, Kira."

"It's nothing," the faun assured. "I'll show you to your tent so you can get settled in."

Sara followed the faun to one of the empty tents. A hammock with blankets folded and laid inside was in one corner, and a chest was in the other.

She glanced around the tent, nodding to Kira as she left Sara alone to get settled. She looked around her tent, sinking into the hammock with a sigh.

"Aslan," she said to herself, "I'm going to see Aslan tonight."

The thought filled her with excitement and terror at the same time. If everything she'd ever heard about him was true, he would already know who she was and everything she had done. She feared he would not have mercy on her, that he would turn her away and leave her to be mauled by the Witch's wolves who were still undoubtedly lurking on the outskirts of the camp.

She turned her thoughts from Telkin and his following to the feeling of the soft material the hammock was made from. She ran her hands over the folded blanket and smiled at its pleasant softness. She thought of Daria and how she owed the centaur her life. She was grateful to have an ally, a friend.

She thought on these things and found herself drifting off to sleep, feeling at peace for the first time in a while.

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