Chapter 7: Mercy

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Sara fidgeted, smoothing her dress. She became quite annoyed with her reflection as she couldn't get it to look just right. She had already tried braiding her hair three different ways and she tried on several different necklaces and earrings which the Narnians provided, but none of it looked just right. It all felt too showy or too plain or any other excuse she could come up with. Nothing felt like her.

Then again, would Aslan really like her?

She took out her earrings in a sharp movement, removing the necklace in exasperation as well. She sighed.

"Sara, relax," Daria spoke, resting her hands on Sara's shoulders, "you look beautiful."

They made eye contact through the mirror, sharing a small smile.

"Thank you." Sara looked at the ground, crossing to put on her shoes. "I'm just nervous, I guess."

"Well, there's no need to be nervous," Daria assured, smiling as she spoke. "Aslan's arrival is exciting! We're celebrating the end of the Hundred Year Winter with his return. I promise you, it will be so much fun."

Sara took one last look at her reflection, taking the ribbon out of her hair and letting the braid fall out so it fell loose among her shoulders. She found some satisfaction in that style, as simple as it was. "If you say so."

Shouts and murmurs of excitement could be heard outside Sara's tent. The Narnians were already gathering to welcome the One King of Narnia.

Sara and Daria exited the tent, finding a window between snouts and horns to look through and see Aslan. This was not a problem for Daria with her towering centaur stature, but Sara had a harder time seeing over the heads of everyone around her. She stood on her tiptoes, jumped, ducked, and still had trouble seeing past everybody. That was when a booming voice silenced the crowds.

"Make way for Aslan! Son of the Emperor Over the Sea! The Great Lion! King of Narnia!"

The crowds lining the path of Aslan to walk exploded into applause and shouts of acclamation. Voices cried, "Hail Aslan!" and flowers and branches were tossed in the path of the Great Lion as he neared. Sara could feel the presence of the Lion fall heavily upon everybody there, but she still couldn't see him.

"Excuse me," she said, trying to peer around a gryphon spreading its wings and rearing up with joy. She stepped around him and tumbled over a pair of rabbits, who were hopping and bouncing around the feet of the Narnians. They scurried away to get a better look at Aslan.

Sara hit the ground with a grunt, drowned out by the sound of the Narnians' praises. She pushed herself to her feet, and that was when she saw Him.

Everything around her seemed to slow to a stop, the Narnians' voices and applause silencing. The Great Lion paced with majesty toward her, his golden mane glimmering in the bright light of the setting sun. Each step he took, he took it with purpose, and his eyes, colored like honey, were earnest and kind. He smiled as he passed by each Narnian, showing his lethal fangs.

Then he turned to Sara, his smile fading, but His eyes keeping the same tender gaze as they fell on her.

The Lion filled her with awe, making her feel very small in comparison to the weight of His attention. Her heart fluttered upon locking eyes with Him, giving her a sense of vulnerability as He stared straight into her soul and instantly knew all her secrets. There was nothing to hide from Him anymore.

As quick as time stopped, it began moving again and Aslan moved on past her, moving on calmly and with grace.

Sara felt her heart beating out of her chest, and she suddenly felt very crowded in the midst of the cheering Narnians. She slipped away to catch some fresh air, ducking between a satyr and an elephant on the way to clear her head.

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