Ch. 2: Nessie's Flashback

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6 years ago

Here we go again, I spoke to myself, adjusting myself in my seat as I waited for Mr. Adams in his office. I lazily slumped my body back to the chair, both of my arms were flat onto the wooden armrests.

Man, I should have got my own space in here. Hah. Right. This time would be my thousandth time I was dragged into this room, for something I didn't even do. Well, that fucking douchebag was bothering me, I punched him to protect myself. Was that wrong?

"Sit still, Renesmee. I won't tell you the same thing again. You're a grown up lady. Please start acting like one," my father sighed, as his right hand came up, rubbing his forehead a little too hard if you ask me. I let out a huff and adjusted my position to look more... presentable, as my mom would say.

"I'm expecting apologies, young lady. You and I have a lot to talk about once we're back home, with Mom, of course," he said under his breath, I could see his jaw clenching. Man, he was pissed alright.

The familiar squeaking sound of the door startled both of us as I took a deep breath, preparing for the worst. I meant, I had been in a lot of trouble of these past weeks so, detention didn't really do much for me.

Mr. Adams smiled at both of us, clearly an uncomfortable smile before greeting my father.

"Mr. Cullen, I'm sure you aware of your daughter's behaviour over these past few months and I really find it unpleasant to see you coming here forcefully quite often-", Mr. Adams trailed off as his eyes flicking between my dad and me. Right.

"Renesmee, I'm sure you have some explanations to make," he asked me, breaking my trance, bringing me back to reality as I tried to recall what had happened two minutes ago.

"I was protecting myself, it wasn't my fault. He came at me," I defended myself, lifting both my hands up. I meant, I was totally innocent! I could see Mr. Adams roll his eyes at me, showing me the signs of annoyance.

"Sure you did. Renesmee, I'm pretty sure you used the same reason for your last two acts too. It's not nice to blame on other people to cover up the fact that you don't like people," he said in a respectful manner, trying to get his words into my head.

I sat there for about 20 minutes, quietly listening to my dad and my principal talking about my behaviour in school and somehow my dad pleaded him to not get me expelled. I was that pathetic. Couldn't even stand up for myself.

"Alright, Renesmee, Mr. Cullen. I was aware of your daughter excellent academic achievements in this school and we really appreciate that. We, in fact, are in need of students like her. But we can't just let her off the hook this time, since the same exact thing happens quite too often now. The least I could do is to put her classes on hold. How's that sound?" He said, his voice was stern, stating his final decision.

"How many days till I come back?" I asked, not going to lie, I was damn shocked. This was pure bullshit. I loved school and I loved attending the classes- because apparently my parents raised me up loving books and stuffs. The thing was, I just didn't like the people. They were just shitty rats trying to make use of me, my brain and my money. Duh, my parent's money. I didn't think I was pretty, so the zeros could have been one of the main factor.

"Two months," he said right away as if he had thought about this quite a long time. Probably since my last time being called into this room. Hell, if it wasn't because my dad was here, I would have been expelled right here right now. Shit.

"Couple of months are way too long Mr. Adams," I disagreed. I didn't need the extra trouble at home considering that I was most likely to be grounded for that exact two months too.

"Two months, Ms. Cullen," he said in the same tone as before. No emotions in it, just plain orders. At this point, it was "take it or leave it" deal.

"I'm in deep shit, am I?" I whispered to my dad. "You have no idea," he said sternly, not even looking at me. Well, fuck my life.

"Well, your break starts now. You may go home. Thank you for coming, Mr. Cullen," he said to me before turning his attention to my dad, shaking his hand before we got out of his room.

"Hop in, Renesmee," he said with gritted teeth. I was scared of what would happen next, I wasn't going to lie about that. I meant, what was the worst could happen right? Mom would be on my side, right? Self-defence wasn't violence.

But I guess not.


Too late to run anyways, I already stepped into our house.

"Good, you two are home. I need to hear everything now, Renesmee. Speak," she spoke to me with stern voice, worry and anger washed all over her face. "Mr. Adams gave me a break for two months," I said. She was quiet, I guessed she was still confused.

"... from school?" I continued, sounded like a question. And she sighed, rubbing her forehead just like how dad did in the office earlier. "What did she do now, honey?" she asked my dad, her voice was so low, almost primitive. Chills.

"The same as the last time. She's lucky enough to not get kicked out from the school," he said, his eyes were fixed onto my face.

Silence. I couldn't even lift my head up feeling two pairs of eyes burning holes into me.

"She certainly didn't get this from me," Mom said. "What the hell? Not me either," Dad defended himself.

More silence.

Deep sighs. I didn't feel good, I felt like I need to throw up.

"I think it is time," Dad suddenly said. Okay, what the hell? This sounded worse than how it sounded when I was about to get grounded for weeks with no cell phone. Had they been planning something behind my back and just waited for the right moment to actually tell me?

"Are you sure?" My mom asked, not a bit concerned. My dad nodded his head once while looking at me intently. I was about to pee in my pants.

"We're sending you to your Grandpa Charlie's. We talked about this with him and he welcomed you," Mom said.

"But, no, I couldn't. I don't know anyone else other than Grandpa Charlie," I protested.

"Renesmee, you know violence has never been in our family. I don't know where you got that attitude from, but it certainly not from us. You need a lot to fix, Renesmee. I'm not kidding," Mom continued.

"Grandpa Charlie welcomes you. You are going to have so much fun in Forks," Dad spoke, his tone was softer. "Go to your room and pack your things up. We will be sending you tomorrow morning."

"Mom," I said, looking at my Mom. Why the hell was this happening to me? The last time I went there, I practically died in boredom, there wasn't much to do and to see, other than some tall and big guys I found quite intimidating. Hell, it was always raining too.

"Uh huh. Go pack your stuffs up and go to sleep early. No creeping out of your room tonight, or we will send you off to somewhere even worse," she said. Okay, now she was blackmailing me. Great.

Two months at Forks, what was the worst could happen? Let's see, Grandpa Charlie loved food, and I happened to actually love cooking, so, it was going to be fun. And I heard about La Push and cliff diving thing. I wasn't that crazy to involve myself in such adrenaline junkies's activities but it sounded fun.

That didn't even make me feel better.

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