03: sleepy baby

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It was the day after, they all woke up and had to practice again, they got up quickly and went to the practice room, after about two hours, they all sat down while panting, "great job guys" the PD left the room.

Changkyun was sweating a lot, panting loudly, he thought he needed to loose a bit of weight and be fit, then Kihyun came over, "Hey Changkyunie, here's some water" he says opening the water and putting it to Changkyun's mouth, holding the back of the younger's neck, "that's good, drink it all" he smiles at the youngest.

Changkyun was almost done so he put his head the whole way back to get all of it, Kihyun looked at the maknae's adam apple, moving up and down with his precious little lips on the bottle.

Kihyun gulped at the look of it, snapping out of his thoughts as he smiled at the maknae, he was done with the full bottle, "good job maknae" he smiled brightly as he put a cold towel on the maknae's forehead.

The youngest sighed in relief as he felt the cool towel hit his forehead, "Thank you hyung" he smiles lightly, Kihyun was so tempted just to hug him, but both of them were covered in sweat, Kihyun patted the maknae's head, making the youngest smile.

Kihyun cooed at the sight of the youngest, "such a cutie, ugh I just wanna squish your cheeks" he pouts, Changkyun grabs his hands and sets them on his cheeks, they were dry so they weren't sweaty, he slightly squished the younger's cheeks and cooes, Kihyun sits beside him and lets the youngest set his head on Kihyun's shoulder.

Kihyun stroked the younger's hair as he looked at everyone else, Kihyun gently sat Changkyun up as he went to the other members, Kihyun gave each of the members a bottle of water as he went back to the youngest, feeling Changkyun snuggle into him again.

"Awe Kihyunie and Changkyunie~" Minhyuk cooes as he jumps around, Kihyun smiles as he looks down at the younger, seeing the youngest in a peaceful sleep.

"Okay guys you can all go home!" The PD announces, Changkyun was still asleep so Kihyun picked him up gently, Shownu comes over and stops him, "let me carry him" he whispers, Kihyun nods as Shownu gently lifts him up.

Shownu takes him to the car and gently sets him in it, letting Kihyun sit beside him, Changkyun snuggles up to Kihyun again as he slightly drooled on the older, he didn't mind and continued to let the maknae sleep.

Around 30 minutes later they arrived back at the dorms, Shownu brought him back in, then as soon as they did, Kihyun made them dinner, Wonho was begging for ramen but Kihyun said no.

After a while it was ready so he called everyone down, they were all sitting at the table when Kihyun forgot about Changkyun, "I'll go get him" he says as he quickly gets up and goes to the maknae's room.

Kihyun opened the door quietly and seen Changkyun still sleeping, sleeping like a baby, he mentally cooes as he crouches and gets a closer look to the maknae's face.

Kihyun set a hand on Changkyun's shoulder slightly and he shook him, "Changkyunie, dinner is ready~" he cooes, seeing Changkyun whine and turn his back to the older, "five more minutes" he mumbles.

Kihyun chuckled as he climbed onto the bed and wrapped an arm around the younger, "Changkyunie~come on its dinner time~" he smiled brightly, Changkyun stirred and sat up, "Okay..." he says tiredly.

They both get to and go down stairs, "Wonho move beside Hyungwon please" Kihyun says, Wonho shakes his head, "I was saying not asking" Kihyun scolds, Wonho sighs as he moves beside Hyungwon, letting Changkyun sit at the end with Kihyun at the end of the table, "this is really good Kihyunie~" Minhyuk smiles.

Changkyun almost fell asleep again but Kihyun shook him slightly, "Changkyunie~eat your dinner" Kihyun cooes, Changkyun nods slowly as he grabs his fork.

Changkyun smiles lightly after he tried a bit, "It's very good Kihyunie" he smiles, Kihyun cooes, "awk baby thank you~your so cute I just wanna squish your cheeks~" Kihyun awes at the sight of the maknae.

Kihyun grabs his fork and puts a bit of food on it, putting it towards the younger, the younger opened his mouth and let the good taste hit his tongue, he smiles as Kihyun practically spoon feeds him.

The other members eyed Kihyun weirdly, it was quite weird that he was acting like this but they shrugged it off and continued eating.

After they were done, Changkyun was almost asleep, Kihyun cooes as he picked him up, bringing him to his room, "goodnight baby" he smiles, he didn't even realise he said the word 'baby' until Jooheon came in and pointed it out.

"I'll let you two have rest okay?" He smiles as he pats Jooheon's shoulder, he nods as he gets into bed, Kihyun goes to his own shared room with Shownu and closes the door.

"I feel like your babying him too much" Shownu chuckles, Kihyun scoffs as e walks to his bed, "Please, I am not, he's just too adorable" he cooes as he thinks of the youngest.

"Sure sure" Shownu chuckles with slight tirednesss, they all go to sleep.

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