11: stupid

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Kihyun was casually just reading a book on the couch, casually laughing at the stupid jokes in the book.

Kihyun sighed as he felt a slap at the back of his head, he turned around and frowned at Minhyuk.

"oh god what are you doing now you 6 year old child" he rolls his eyes, "I'm doing something productive unlike you, you broke fucker"

Kihyun gasped as he stood up, standing right in front of the taller, "I'm actually more productive than you, siting on the couch and eating crisps don't count...I also have more money..." he stated, Minhyuk laughed, "young flexer? More like young vexer!" He snarled.

Kihyun gasped before slightly shoving Minhyuk backwards, causing Minhyuk to fall back because of the mini table behind him, "HAHA FUCKING IDIOT!!" Minhyuk groaned, "shut up you brown haired cunt..." he said as he got up, he then smirked.

"Shut up you...you blonde ass thot..." he scoffed, sticking his nose up in the air, "the little hamster isn't so smart anymore is he?" Minhyuk laughs, he stands above Kihyun, smirking at him.

"The dog isn't so fucking pretty anymore either..." Kihyun glared at him, Minhyuk laughed, "is that the best you can do you unloved bitch?" He squatted and laughed harder.

Kihyun kicked his leg causing him to fall, "fucking idiot..." he snarled as Minhyuk grabbed his leg and dragged him down to the ground, "Which one would win in a fight...a small...pathetic...fat...hamster...or a strong, big, fierce dog..." Minhyuk smirked, Kihyun hit his head.

"STOP IT YOU TWO!" They both turned their heads to see Changkyun crying, at the door frame of Kihyun and Changkyun's shared room, Minhyuk instantly got off Kihyun and stood up, "Changkyunie? What's wrong?" Minhyuk asked, "I don't want you two to fight..." he pouted.

Kihyun cooes at the sight, walking over to Changkyun and bringing him in his arms, "Baby were only joking...we were wandering who can hold the most insults for the longest..."

"Which obviously I won..." Minhyuk stated as he walked over, he pushed Kihyun away and brought Changkyun in his arms, Kihyun gave him a death glare jokingly, but Kihyun continued anyway, "but we are really close don't worry Changkyun..." he reassures.

"Yeah! I love Kihyun so much we could kiss!" He states, Kihyun rolls his eyes playfully, "no we wouldn't..." he says "yes we would..."

"No we-" Kihyun was cut off, "ANYWAY! Don't worry Changkyunie, we really were only messing about, your too cute when you worry about us..." Minhyuk pouts, Kihyun comes over and wipes the younger's tears, Minhyuk removed one of his arms from Changkyun and brought Kihyun in one of his arms as well, making the three have a group hug.

"If you touch me one more time you will have no hair left..." Kihyun jokingly said, Minhyuk pouted but then smiled brightly and kissed Changkyun's cheek, Minhyuk letting go of Changkyun and wrapping his arms around Kihyun, "WAIT DONT YOU EVEN DARE TOUCH MY BEAUTIFUL FACE YOU GAY THOT!!" Kihyun screeched.

Minhyuk then kissed his cheek, Kihyun instantly wiping his cheek, "See Changkyunie? We're completely fine..." Minhyuk stated, Kihyun glared at Minhyuk, "for now..." he chuckled, instantly scaring Changkyun slightly.

Kihyun sensed it and looked up, "Hey Minhyukie...can you go make something for dinner?" Kihyun asks, Minhyuk comes over and stands in front of him, "of course Kihyunie..." he smiled brightly as he went into the kitchen, talking to Wonho while he's there.

Kihyun brought Changkyun into their shared room and sat him down on the bed, "trust me changkyunie...me and Minhyuk-Hyung are absolutely fine..." he reassures, Changkyun instantly started crying.

Kihyun pouted as he lifted Changkyun up, Changkyun wrapped his legs around Kihyun's waist and rested his head on Kihyun's shoulder, Kihyun sat on his bed.

"It's okay Changkyunie...trust me...." he whispers, rubbing the youngest's back, Changkyun pulls away and jumps onto Kihyun's bed, instantly getting under the covers, "Cuddle with me for a bit please..." Changkyun whispered, Kihyun nodded as he lifted up the covers and joined Changkyun.

Changkyun instantly felt the warmth of Kihyun and snuggled into him, "Wake me up...when Ramen is done..." he mumble before falling asleep, Kihyun nodded as he stroked the younger's hair.

P.s vexer: someone given to teasing (as by mocking or stirring curiosity)

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