9. Who's Zoomin Who

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When I woke up I felt relaxed for some reason. I went to the kitchen and made myself pancakes. Seeming as I had a lot of free time. I got a phone call from the clinic, Cristina said that she'd been getting the exact same call. "Yes, Dr. Y/l/n speaking." I said once I answered it.

"Good morning Dr. Y/l/n, I'm sorry to bother you. But is there anyway that you might have changed your mind about the abortion. You can always come in for a counselling session." The woman told me.

"Listen, I want to go through with this abortion. I can't have kids, not right now at least. Maybe if I was married and not an intern, perhaps I wouldn't go through this. So I'll see you on the 16th." I said to her before hanging up. I washed up then went straight to work. I changed and went to find Cristina, seeming as we were on the same case. "That bloody woman called me this morning." I said to her.

"She called me too, I don't understand why they have to call." She said to me.

"I know, it's like we've already made up our minds and we aren't going to change them like that." I said while snapping my fingers. Not only was it me and Cristina but there was also Izzie. So we'd have to keep our situation on the down low. Our patient was Mr. Franklin who had abnormally large stomach.

"Mr. Franklin, how long has your abdomen been like this?" Cristina asked while reading his charts.

"It's been getting bigger for a while." Mr. Franklin told us.

"I told him there was something wrong. No one gets fat like this so fast. I told him." Mrs. Franklin told us. She was right about that.

"Everybody told him." Miss. Franklin said from the corner of the room.

"He has dullness to percussion and spider angiomas." Izzie said to Cristina who noted it in his chart.

"What's all that mean?" Miss. Franklin asked us.

"It means, we to have admit your father and run some tests." I told her.

"Great. What's that gonna cost us this time?" Miss. Franklin asked, I'm guessing she only cared about money.

"Alice, don't." Mrs. Franklin said to her daughter. We wrapped up we were doing and left.

"That got super awkward." I said to Cristina.

"You see that is why I don't want kids." Cristina said to me. After we'd got the results back we went to Mr. Franklin's room. Mrs. Franklin had a pot of beautiful yellow flowers. "Mr. Franklin? You have a condition known as ascites." Cristina said as we entered the room.

"Oh, my god. I knew it was terrible." His wife said already thinking the worst.

"It just means there's fluid in the peritoneal cavity-- the abdomen." Izzie said to them. His daughter didn't seem to bothered.

"And the swelling is pressing against your lungs, which is why you're having trouble breathing." I said to him. Izzie wrote on his file and Cristina listened to his chest.

"In your case, it looks like a symptom of liver disease." Cristina said to him.

"And it all comes together." Alice started, I had no idea what she meant.

"Alice, not now." Mrs. Franklin said to her daughter.

"Is there something we should know?" Cristina asked them.

"I drink a bit." Mr. Franklin admitted.

"That's the understatement of the year." Alice said whilst turning the page of her magazine.

"That's enough out of you." Mr. Franklin said to his daughter. Now I just felt awkward in here.

"Hey! I'm only here for mom, to make sure you don't pull any of your usual crap." Alice said. Me, Cristina and Izzie shared a look. What did she mean by that exactly. We left the room to look for Bailey. We found her by a vending machine.

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