76. Losing My Mind

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There was something that Iz had told me while I was at work today, Rebecca wasn't pregnant. I know this isn't usual the way that I start off writing about my days in this journal but I think it's a good place to start. Today I decided to stick with Izzie because I was curious to find out more about this. Was Rebecca just trying to get with Alex? Me and Iz were walking through the main area when we saw her.

"Rebecca?" We both asked her.

"Where have you been?" Iz asked her.

"Hi, Izzie. Y/n." Rebecca said, I was surprised that she actually knew my name.

"I've- -I've called you and left, like, 50 messages." Iz said while pulling her to the side a little.

"You seem kind of upset." Rebecca said to us, I think anyone could work that out.

"Well, you're not pregnant, first of all, and Alex has been turning his life upside down to be your baby, daddy, and I can't tell him because of confidentiality. So yeah, upset." Iz said to her.

"His life has been so turned around that I've had him over at my apartment early hours of the morning, panicking." I said to her honestly.

"You can talk to Alex about anything. I want him involved. And I am pregnant. You kind of know." She said to us, but her bloods came back negative, so she sorta wasn't.

"Okay. So if you're not trying to trap Alex with a fake pregnancy, you won't mind if we do another test, just to be sure." Iz said to her, I wanted to see these results with my own eyes.

"Trap him? Are you out of your mind? I'm pregnant, and that's a good thing because I want this baby. I've always wanted a baby." Rebecca said to us.

"But you already have a baby." I said to her, was there something wrong with her.

"Of course I do. I mean I want another one. Do the stupid test again. It'll be fine. And I need to see Dr. Sloan. Can help me with that?" She said to us, I was thinking that Rebecca had some sort of condition.

"Yeah, we'll see what we can do." Iz said before we started walking away. We were discussing about whether we should tell Alex or not. But I wanted to see this test first. Although we decided it would be easier to just tell him, in the stairwell.

"Alex, is okay if we talk about Rebecca with you?" I asked him as we were going down.

"Busy." He responded to us.

"Alex, I gave her a pregnancy test last week. She's not pregnant. We wanted to tell you." Iz said, the three of us stopped.

"Yeah, well, you're telling me now." She said to us.

"Alex, when we told her, she...she said we were wrong. She thinks it's some sort of false negative, which it isn't." Iz said to him, he didn't look very happy.

"She was puking this morning, and her boobs are all blown up." Alex said to us.

"We ran it twice." I said to him.

"Well, labs are wrong all the time, and you're wrong all the time. How 'bout you mind your own freakin' business and stay out of my life?" Alex shouted before he left us. Did we just lose a friend because of some selfish bitch.

"I really don't like Rebecca, thanks to her she's just ruined my friendship with my best friend." I said to Iz before I walked off. I found Mark and told him that Rebecca was here and wanted to see him. I didn't have the time or the patience to talk to anyone. Especially since I'd just lost my best friend. Iz found me again and we started talking, we we're heading down the stairs together. But we were stopped.

"Stevens and Y/l/n? What are you treating Rebecca Pope for?" He asked us.

"For a pregnancy she doesn't have, but she thinks she does." Iz said we were all walking together now.

"Don't two of you have science on your side?" Mark asked us.

"We do but she's not acting normal. There's something off about her." I said to him, he was walking in the middle of us. We stopped again.

"She wants, uh, breast enhancement surgery. She thinks her new face doesn't match her body. We may be looking at acute actress disorder. It can happen when people have massive plastic surgeries and major trauma like she did. You look in the mirror, you don't see the same person, so you're not sure you are the same person. It can lead to some pretty odd behaviour." Mark said to us, I let out a sigh.

"Like thinking you're pregnant when you're not and forgetting you already have a baby." Iz said to us, Mark looked down.

"I want you to make it clear to her that she's not pregnant. Then get her a psych consult, then have psych call me." Mark said to us, I nodded.

"Got it." I said before we walked off. We were trying to think about how we could tell her. We got her ready to do an ultrasound.

"This used to happen when I was a kid. I'd get a strep test, and it'd come back negative." Rebecca said to his, Iz was displaying Rebecca's uterus on the screen.

"Rebecca, this is your uterus and as you can see it's empty. There's no fetus, no sack, just nothing." I said to her while pointing to the monitor.

"But it's too early. It's tiny. You can't see anything yet." Rebecca said to us, Alex walked in the room when Iz was about to show her a picture.

"What the hell are you doing?" Alex asked us, he was late.

"We paged you 20 minutes ago. Rebecca, look. Okay, this is a fetus at 6 weeks. All right, it's a tiny spot, but it's there. You can see it. Look at your uterus. There's nothing there. Nothing." Iz said to her, I hated today more than anything.

"Get out." Alex said to us. We both sighed.

"Alex, these are her labs, Sloan's done a chart note as well, we could get a psych consult but only if you want to." I said while handing him the file.

"Just get out!" Alex shouted at us. We both left the room, I couldn't believe that Alex was taking her side. I went to get something to drink, I couldn't believe that Alex didn't trust me or Iz. We've known him for longer, I'm his person. He said it to me himself. But instead he believes someone who he saved the life of and then had an affair with. I sat on a parked bed in the hallway, me and Alex would always sit there and talk.

"Hey, can I sit here?" Alex asked me, I looked at him.

"Only if you want to." I said to him and he sat down.

"I'm sorry, I should've believed you and Izzie but I didn't." He said to me.

"Did you get a consult?" I asked him.

"No, but she's staying with me for a few days." He said to me, I sighed and got up. "Where are you going?" He asked me.

"I'm leaving until you can come to some sense." I said to him, I got changed before I headed home. I made myself some dinner before having a shower, watching some Tv and then heading to bed. The amazing life of being a surgeon at home. We do absolutely nothing because our lives our at the hospital.

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