Tuesday, September 1st, 2054

27 2 7

Location: Home
Time: 5:50 am
Weather for the day: 60•F

The sun is shining bright and the birds are chirping. Mesmerizing blue skies with a couple of clouds. You can even hear how the breeze moves the leaves from the trees. Mom calls you to wake up and help her with the chores while she is making breakfast. Everything is in the right place. That was probably how a teenager would wake up to in the early 2000s but that is now gone. I'm convinced I was born in the wrong era but at least I'm grateful I'm alive and healthy. New laws are being made to counteract overpopulation and pollution. Couples are now required to present their economic income every five years if they want to have a kid. Every kid in every family has been five years apart. I really don't understand the five-year gap but I'm not the one making the laws. 

-"Are you done making your daily blog it's annoying. You should be thinking on what are you gonna give me for my birthday instead of blogging for who knows. Did you have something to eat at least ?"- Collins's voice could be heard from the third floor and yet I could still know he was upset. 

-"I would've been done if you didn't interrupt me that often you know! But now that you have my attention could you cook something for me, please? I know I'm not the best morning partner but you tolerate me - I laugh a bit - come on Collins today is going to be a disastrous day you know that. - I can hear him laugh too as I'm going downstairs. 

-"Your standards for a great day are low Neptune you know that right?"

- "Are you mocking me?  I do think a job interview is a great news." - I look at him while he is finishing cooking. He looked so concentrated I couldn't help and hug him from behind.- "You'll do great, your parent's expectations are just unrealistic so if you don't get that job there are other places you can apply to."- Collins has been preparing for the past five years to be the manager of Dark industries. Yes, the name is not the best but it's ironic. Dark industries are the biggest climate change corporation. They established back in 2022 when climate change was the biggest threat for humanity. Thanks to them we still have fresh water.  We don't have many trees at least not in public areas except the Oaks park which was our city's designated "green" area. 

- "Thanks for supporting me, but calling our parents as if they were just mine it's just rude. Aren't you proud to have such a handsome and smart brother like me?"- He pulls my hair as I'm trying to grab some food from his plate. 

- "Hey, what's wrong with you? Don't you see I'm hungry or do you need a better pair of glasses? Oh, wait those are your new pair of glasses."- He looked at me dead serious in the eye. I'm starting to worry I just crossed the line with him for the tenth time in the week. He stared at my plate and took some food and placed it in his. 

- "Now if you will excuse me today is going to be a great day for me. I can't be late."- Just like that, he went to eat at the table and then got into his room to get ready.  

After breakfast, I went to finish my recordings. I do hope one day someone will listen to them and know how life was in the 2050s. Meanwhile, that day comes I still have a life and I also needed to get ready for college. As I finished dressing up and putting some makeup on I noticed how alike Collins and I looked recently. He is 27 and I'm 17 and due to the age gap, I always looked like a kid beside him. We both have light brown hair and tanned skin and even have the same smile. Our eyes were different though, he got those pretty blue eyes just like the ocean in pictures and I got dark gray eyes. I do tend to think we look more like mom but inherited our dad's character.

Just when I was starting to miss my parents I heard on my earphone a message I left for myself :
"Enough Neptune you got no time today is your first day at college and you need to give a good impression breathe, relax and smile." I laugh, I know myself too much.

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