Mission Day 1

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Loud intermittent siren. Something went wrong. I close the archives I had been working on for 3 hours and suit up to meet in the control room. 

 "Listen up everybody!" General Henderson said as she waited for the last crew member to join. "As you may all know, we have been working hard on discovering the origin of the biochemical missiles that exploded in the biggest cities of the country. For the past week, we have sent platoons to explore each area where the missiles landed and the rest of us that have survived the attack has been researching possible enemies and analyzing samples from the explosion. Unfortunately, the first platoon got infected by the biochemical wastes and I ordered the rest of the platoons to withdraw their mission." I noticed there was some information she was holding back for a second, then she continued with her head up high. "Be prepared to assist the medical team as the platoon reenters the facilities. You may return to your tasks and check our communication chord since there are specific instructions for all of you. Captian Andrew Whethersby I need a word with you."

I knew it, there was something else she hasn't told the rest of the military but what could it be? In times like this where the country lost 60% of the population by an unknown force, I don't believe there are any top-secret missions left. They aren't urgent; they cant be. We're in a crisis. What could be worse and more important?

"Captian Weathersby, Ill cut the formalities since we're running out of time. These biochemical missiles are far more complex than we expected them to be. I have been doing my research and I have a delicate task for you. You can't tell any of your mates about this mission. Rember General Alexander Jameson?"

"Yes, ma'am I do. He left the base around 7 years ago due to a special mission in Madagascar." I frown, what type of mission is she commanding me to go to. We have been friends since childhood but this was nonsense.

"Andrew, he never went to Madagascar. He went to Alberta, Canada to personally train his predecessor. You know his position is quite unique in the army and that he must trust the person who will be occupying his place." She looked down concerned. "We found the predecessor, well the radius of his location. At times like this, we either need General Jameson to join us immediately or his predecessor. He is not just any type of General. People in his position have been trained out of the army and work with us in disguise and even earn the title of General."

I look directly into her eyes you need me to go and look for General Jameson and request him to come back or give us his predecessor? I mean its totally understandable due to the circumstances a person like him would give us a better insight into what we could do to solve and finally end this crisis. So tell me why are you concerned?" 

She placed one hand over my shoulder. "Don't panic, but General Jameson is in another dimension. That's why we haven't contacted him earlier but we found a way to travel where he is. Despite his machine exploded shortly after he went to his mission Captain Lau discovered we could ..." She kept giving me details expecting me to keep up with them as if knowing about another dimension is such a common matter. "So are you in?"

"Yes, ma'am. When is my departure?" I asked.

"In exactly six hours. You will be given specific instructions by Captain Lau since our dimensions are quite different in the matter of technology advances. Please, be careful with your belongings since most of them haven't even been invented in the other dimension we shall be calling reality Xyz." I followed the further instructions given by General Henderson and prepared as Captain Lau explained to me how the trip would work and how should I act once I arrived at my destination. 

"Time for departure. I expect the mission to go as planned but if anything changes or if there is any type of inconvenience you should still report it back to us. Stay in a low profile and we will be in contact with you at all times" General Henderson's words seemed from a sci-fi movie but I knew I was on a delicate and top-secret mission. "Our hopes are in you, Captain Whethersby."The responsibility that was given to me was a matter of high urgency. If we wanted to prevent the bio-missiles from extending their effects on the population that was left I needed to succeed on this mission with a margin of error of 10% or less if possible. 

My spacecraft was ready. I was excited to finally use one of these "blue atom 59837" crafts. They were the most recent spacecraft built and the most advanced with exclusive technology. This spacecraft is one of the only 3 ever built due to the costs and till now only used to travel through dimensions which are the rarest mission a military could be in. They could camouflage with any type of environment and even become invisible to the high-tech visors. When referring to weapons well they were the most aggressive and their power was designed to fight a battle in space according to Captain Lau which is not part of my mission but it's useful in case of an emergency. 

" Ready for countdown Captain Lau; waiting for permission to fly and confirmation the systems are synchronized to the base." Breathe deeply. Exhale. Breathe deeply. Exhale.

"Captain Whethersby you're ready for departure. Have a safe trip and come back to us in one piece. Please, try not to scratch blue atom 59837." Captain Lau along with General Henderson where the only ones aware of this mission and I was glad both of them were the most capable and intelligent persons I had ever met. A perfect fit to fix the problem without General Jameson in case the mission failed. 

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