The Family Dinner

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He caught me daydreaming about him. Great the last thing that I wanted was to be suspicious. I mean it's not totally out of context considering he just kissed my forehead like half an hour ago. - "You like what you see?"- he smiles big as he stops at the red light. - "Don't be shy, I'm pretty sure my family will love you as much as I do. Neptune, you're special to me and I will do anything to protect you." -  He grabs my left hand and softly raises it to his warm lips. I don't know how did this even happen but I can't complain at all. Be natural.

-"Yes, you look amazing and handsome just like the first time I saw you at college."- I smiled back at him as I blushed. - "Thanks for reassuring me, I was wondering how your family is going to treat me or if they will approve me." - He keeps driving when the red light switches to green light.

- "Neptune, please don't worry, just be yourself. I know it must be hard but after meeting your parents, what could go wrong?"-

I sat there and stretched my hand to rub his hair from behind. Even though I was playing with his hair my mind was somewhere else. My parents have been five years on a mission with the government. They are astronauts and the space program called my parents despite the program closing about twenty years ago. They were set on a top-secret mission to investigate possible habitable planets so that humans could move from Earth. I haven't seen them in person since I was 12 and Collins has been taking care of me since then. I mean we do call once per month or every two months but it's not the same without them at home. For the past six months, there hasn't been any call just electronic letters sent through Thomas, who is the agent from the government responsible for our well being.  Thomas has become part of the family and he has always been kind and protective with Collins and me.

- "You have that look, everything okay?"- he asked concerned.

-" Yes, I was just thinking about the years where my parents were still on a mission as astronauts. Are we almost there?"- I asked trying to hold my tears back. He met my parents, so it means they completed the mission and they are finally home.

-" Yeah, we will be there in eight minutes to be precise. Neptune please stay close to me, I don't want you to get lost."- I looked at him and noticed he said get lost.

- "Get lost? Aren't we going to a family dinner?" - I asked cluelessly.

- "Our property is pretty big and if you want to go for a walk to get some air as you usually do, I'm afraid you'll get lost. Please promise me you will stick with me at all times." - He placed his hand near my knee. I looked into his eyes

- "Yes I promise I'll be with you as long as you show me around the place of course." - I can't quite describe what is about this guy but he looks caring and not like a stranger anymore. It's like if he knows me and we were friends from years ago. He may know me but the only day I recall seeing him was in college who knows when. The date! I should've checked the date as soon as I woke up. I don't know what has happened to me, I'm usually always checking the time, date, place and even the temperature and then proceed with my blogging. I take a glance at my watch 6:45 pm, 58°F, October 17th, 2057. I freeze and only moving my eyes to see the guy that was driving from the corner of the eye I check he doesn't notice anything strange in my behavior. At this point, I'm glad I know how to control my emotions thanks to Thomas and his intensive lessons preparing me for emergencies. Its been three years! I can't believe I'm unable recall the past three years. Three years is too little to bring back trees and the sky to be blue again, unless ... right I don't know where am I. I spent almost all of the ride thinking about my parents and forgot to check the road signs. I check my purse to see if my phone was there that way I could search my location with the GPS without raising suspicion, unfortunately, it wasn't there.

- "What are you looking for? You look beautiful if you were thinking of retouching your makeup."- He parks the car in front of the house. He felt short describing the property. It wasn't just big; it was enormous as if ten rich families lived here.- "Princess your phone take it before I forget"- he said as he opened the door for me.

- "Thanks, I thought I had forgotten it at home."

- "Well, you did I grabbed it for you and since you seemed peaceful I thought giving our phone will just distract you in the ride. "- he nervously smiled as if he has done something that could've bothered me.

- "It's alright I did enjoy the ride"- I take a look at him from head to toes - "and of your company too" - I grabbed his hand as he rings the doorbell.

He was polite , let me go in first asked me if I wanted something to drink or eat or just use the bathroom and asking me if I was feeling comfortable. I'm glad at least I'm stuck with gentleman.

- "Matthew you're home ! " - a sweet voice exclaimed. A little girl came running into his arms. She looked like she was eight or nine years old. She was cute just like Matthew. I finally get to know his name now I'll know how to address him if I need something.

-"Valentina my beautiful girl , how much you've grown! I've missed you a lot."- Matthew hugs the little girl which I'm assuming is either her sister or her niece. -"Valentina this is my girlfriend Neptune, she comes from Canada and she loves fiction movies just like you do. I'm pretty sure you two will get along in no time."- he stands up and places his right arm around my back.

- " Hi Valentina , pleasure to meet you."- I tried my best to show happiness but I was intrigued by the girlfriend part. Matthew is my boyfriend ?! That just makes things worse. If someone asks how long have we been dating or what do I like about him I'll be in deep trouble.

Valentina was nice and polite as well. She had excellent manners and wide vocabulary for a kid her age meaning she was probably raised in this luxurious house. After meeting Valentina I met Matthew's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, which were surprisingly nice despite we were discussing serious subjects. Dinner was delicious , like in a five stars hotel but I still prefer when Collins cooks for me at 2:00am.

-" Matthew , why don't you take Neptune on a walk through the property. I'm sure you both will enjoy the alone time and we just remolded the garden." - said Mrs. Wagner as she was finishing her dinner. Matthew stood up and grabbed my hand and said as his mother told him.

The garden was beautiful and looked like a fantasy book page. It had large tree arches, a wide variety of flowers of any color you can think of and even a pond with a white stone bridge. It was the first time I saw so many trees and different types of plants in just one place.

-"Matthew this place is beautiful. I love it ! You are privileged by growing up here."- I stared at the sky and for my surprise I see the stars clearly. -" So that's what's what real stars look like , spectacular."- No pollution no dark clouds just the stars shinning bright in the black sky. For a moment I even forgot Matthew was right beside me and then I looked into his eyes.

-" I'm deeply grateful you're here with me. All of my family used to live here and I mean my grandparents, aunts , cousins , every Wagner lived here but then the plague came and we were the only ones left. For years my parents fought to protect their land and recently moved the other houses to another location and transformed it into a tiny garden of eden.Then we built a bigger house and well I didn't grew up in it but Valentina has. "- He had tears on his eyes but his voice was calmed as he had recovered from the tragedy but never forgetting it. I had no other idea besides hugging him tight so I did. I hugged him and didn't said a word because sometimes we just need to be held and assured we're not alone through difficult times. I knew I was standing there not knowing what the past three years had been like not knowing if our planet eventually recovered from how it was before but all I knew was that Matthew is no longer a stranger to me.


-"Neptune do you want some waffles? I'm starving and I thought if I'm going to prepare the mix I might as well do enough for both of us. Are you up?"- Collins said as he stood at the halfway opened door letting the hallway's light to come in to the room. My room ?! I immediately sat and checked my phone. Wednesday September 2nd 2054, 1:57 am.

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