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The sun was setting with a golden glow, leaving highlights on the beach sand. The only noises were the soft crashing of the waves and the two boys slow breathing. Hyunjin turned beside him and looked right at who was to his left side. He tried to speak but couldn't get the words out until-

Beep Beep Beep

Hyunjin woke up with a slight annoyance. Even though an amazing dream got cut off at the wrong time, somehow Hyunjin was barely phased. That's only because he's been having the same dream for a month now. He could never talk to the other boy in the dream, no matter how hard he tried. He only knew 2 things, 1 he had never seen that boy in his life, and 2 he was in love with whoever it was. He had jet black hair Hyunjin wanted to fluff up, soft cheeks Hyunjin wanted to squish, a cute face that ended in a point and circle frame glasses Hyunjin thought made him adorable. Such a perfect boy... who wasn't real

Hyunjin quickly shut off his alarm clock and got out of bed. He grabbed his dark grey uniform, which was laid on the floor the previous night, then headed into his bathroom to get ready for the orientation meeting day, his first day as a grade 11. He got dressed and made sure to tie his purple tie just tight enough. He ran a hand through his long-ish black hair before brushing it until it looked good enough for a first day. After that he grabbed his backpack and a pop tart then dashed out the door. He didn't take the bus so he needed to walk there as quick as possible.

He finally arrived, with a huge smile on his face. He was very excited to meet new people and see his old friends again. He walked around the cafeteria, eating the rest of his pop tart before entering a line for his schedule. After a few minutes he spotted someone he knew and waved them over.

"Hey Felix Wassup!" He called out

"Oh hey Hyunjin. Long time no see, huh" they laughed and stood in line together for their schedules. After a few more minutes Felix''s boyfriend Chan joined them. Hyunjin and Felix helped him skip the long line so he could be sooner. They were all talking and catching up on their summers while they waited.

"How was your trip to Disney by the way?" Hyunjin asked Felix.

"Oh it was awesome!" Felix answered

"I rode all of the rides at least once!"

Hyunjin was quite jealous but didn't let it show.

"And Chan, You went to Australia for a month, right?" Hyunjin asked Chan

"Yes! Such a great time!" Chan answered

"I got to see some of my family I haven't seen in years"

Hyunjin kept a smile on his face even though he was disappointed. He wasn't sad his friends had an amazing summer, he was sad that he did nothing exciting to tell them about. All of his friends were busy with plans they couldn't invite him too, so he was stuck at home taking care of his friends cat while she vacationed in California.

"What about you HyunJin? Anything exciting happen?" Chan asked back

Hyunjin shook his head and sighed

"Sadly I had to take care of my friends cat for like the whole break, I did meet an online friend though"

"Well that's exciting at least! What was the cat's name" Felix laughed

"The cat's name was Danni" Hyunjin laughed along.

A while later the 3 boys collected their schedules and matched them for classes.

"Hey Hyunjin, what classes do you have?" Asked Felix, he peered over Hyunjins shoulder to peek at the paper in his hand.

"No peeking" Hyunjin playfully pushed him away.

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