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"I'm so tired, I literally hate this class" Changbin complained to Minho, wiping the sweat off his forehead. Class ended early for the two boys since they needed time to change for their next class. Minho was already fully changed and was on his phone when he got a notification.

"Hey i was added to a group chat" Minho pointed out to Changbin, who was struggling to get his uniform back on.

"Oh really? Whos in it?" Changbin asks as his phone dings with a message.

2 people were added to the group chat

"Yo, two people were added to my group chat, were you added to mine?" says Changbin

"I guess maybe" Minho shrugged "but who is the other person"

"I have no clue, wait how did you get added?" Changbin questions.

Changbin and Minho then realized it was probably Felix who added him since they met in dance, but then they noticed the notification.

"Wait what, it says Jisung added you?"

"Who?" Minho was genuinely confused on what was going on, until he checked the messages in the group chat.


Hey fam squad, i added Hyunjin and Minho.

Wait yall dont know Minho

I mean i don't either i just know Felix does


Lmaooooooo thank you for including me

I bet we will all be friends, ive heard a lot about you guys.

From Changbin of course


Omg new friends hell yees


Nice to talk to y'all again



I was so confused for a minute


Lol how


I had no clue how you added Minho

Then i realized... Hyunjin


GUYS get back to work fhhvbfbf

Changbin kinda forgot he was still at school and his friends were still in class. He groaned then put his phone back in his pocket.

"Hey Minho, what class do you have next?" Changbin asked as they left the big gym doors to enter the hall.

"music, you?" Minho replied

"Oh same! Hyunjin has it too, and Felix, wait i think everyone in our group has it too"

"Oh nice, i get to meet them!"

Changbin and Minho were on their way to Music class together, which was on the second floor. On their way there the bell rang, causing many teens to rush out of their classes to the next. Changbin and Minho were the first ones there so they took a seat at the back of the classroom and waited for more people to show up.

"So you know Hyunjin, right?" Changbin was curious about him and he wanted to know more

"Yes i do, whyyy?" Minho raises his eyebrows.

"Oh i just wanted to know m-more about him" Changbin stutters for the third time, blushing with embarrassment.

Minho told Changbin about Hyunjin and how he ordered the same drink Changbin usually did, and how he asked the same question as Changbin.

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