Time to Grieve?

843 13 4

July 03, 2016

Anastasia's POV

It's been two weeks, the two services had to be distanced to not raise suspicion, and I have wallowed in self pity for every second of it. I know that once our child is here I won't be able to do that anymore, so it feels like an attempt to rid all grief from my system, but what is lost is just replaced.

There's no bump, I'm nearly three months along, so there's no indication of what's coming. That's the way I want it. Today I don't want choked out congratulations followed quickly by I'm sorry for your loss. My family of course knows, and my teammates, the ones who went through hell with me this week. More so than others.

When we had first arrived Barry had let me go in first knowing very well I wouldn't get what I needed to out with everyone watching. At first my eyes scanned the tables at the front of the church which were piled high with achievements, photos, and his favorite belongings.

In an empty pew all by myself I watched the slideshow of videos and pictures. Laughing at the video of us shoving cake into each other's faces on his birthday, and almost crying over the one of him toddling around as a toddler.

Now the same videos and pictures play above my head, but no tears are being shed from me as more and more people shove their way into the church.

Several of Mary and Rudy's friends breezed by me giving me a handshake as if only to examine me. I have been a part of Wally's life for the past five years, but there seem to be more people here that I don't know than I actually do.

I was the first everyone greeted with Iris and Barry to my left, and Mary and Rudy beyond them. Even with my in laws the farthest away I could hear the hushed whispers of their friends.

"She's so young! I wasn't expecting that."

"She doesn't seem very heartbroken."

"Makes you wonder if she loved him at all."

Each stung, and I tried my best to refrain from grimacing as more people greeted me. My hero persona, the person they all think they know so well because of the media, gives off the illusion of being older. When people get up close though they can tell the tiara is still a little too big for my head.

And if only they knew how much I cried, then they would never wish it upon me again.

I instinctively reached my hand out for the next person, but recoiled ever so slightly when I saw who it was.

Olivia and Blake my highschool tormentors.

They still looked the same, but his dark hair was longer and hers was shorter. The cheer and football uniforms had been traded in for casual dress clothes, but those were still the same faces I dreaded seeing each day.

Central City was so large we never saw them after highschool, and I had no intent of doing so. Of course, they had to show up, and my heart and mind were fighting against each other at an alarming rate, so I'm not sure if I'm horrified or satisfied that they're here.

"We're sorry," Olivia said being the first to speak. Her hand eagerly locked onto mine before I could pull it away, and I could see the pleading in her swampy eyes. Before sophomore year she was my best friend, and now she was here nothing more than a stranger.

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