New Beginnings

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• I've decided I'm going to update every Monday and Friday! Let's hope I can stick to that schedule ;)

August 01, 2016

Persephone's POV

"Are you sure you want to take me on?"

Zatanna never looked up from the papers she was filling out her pen moving impressively. The process of her becoming my legal guardian was surprisingly easy, but that didn't mean I wasn't shocked when she still planned on going through with it. My mother's dead, my father is "dead", and my siblings and I don't exist according to filed documentation; that last fact somehow did not raise eyebrows.

It wasn't something I wanted or needed until now. Without a cave to hunker in I'm oddly vulnerable in the world without a true identity. At first I brushed it off, I had a roof over my head after all, but with Ana leaving everyone was aware I would be left alone. Zatanna moved in needing abasolutly no convincing, and when we decided I should attend school the problem that I didn't actually exist came up.

"Of course I'm sure," she said but I could still hear the hesitance pushing out through her mind. I didn't comment on it. "It's nice to meet you, Persephone Zatarra," she chcuckled holding up the document to show what my name now was written out in fancy lettering. Before I could protest that, that wasn't necessary she had already run off to turn it into the League's lawyer.

Zatanna Zatara was now my legal guardian, and I'm praying I don't make her regret it.


August 16, 2017

A short time without your powers, even when they terrify the crap out of you, can make you really appreciate them. While the lack of murderous thoughts in my head was a great break I missed the warmth that protected my body when psionic energy circulated through it.

That's all my mind thinks of as I block Zatanna's spells, and test different hexes on some of the obstacles in the training room. It's the first time training has ever felt fun, and I'm not scared to screw something up.

I make a circular motion with my hand flexed, and the last punching bag we had set up in a circle melts to the ground spreading out in gooey puddle. Zatanna laughs as I jump around the training room, that we've officially trashed, I probably look ridiculous but I don't care. One dummy is split into blocks, another is streamers, and I changed their natural form while managing to not harm anything else in the room.

Hands settle on my shoulders stopping my celebration, and turning around my mentor is smiling down at me. "See it wasn't that hard," she states reminding me of how she had badgered me for days to give it a try. I don't even care that I was proved wrong this control has me elated passed caring. "Do you think I could bring someone else next time?" And there goes my happy mood, Klarion's voice whining something that would probably tick me off more if I listened.


"Just this girl, Traci, she can do magic as well. She's been struggling to adjust, and figured seeing you and your progress could help her." She knows how antsy I get doing certain things around people, so why would she ask? Obviously it's because she beliveves I'm making progress.

It would be more touching if Klarion wasn't laughing about how I'm getting replaced. The fact that he can still dampen my mood so quickly still bothers me. He sits in my head so it's logical that he can, but I still feel pathetic for letting it happen.

Zatanna's staring at me waiting for an answer, unintentionally pleading with her eyes, and how am I supposed to say no to that. Stuttering out, thinking of everything that can go wrong, I say, "sure can't wait to meet her!" I need to get better at faking enthusiasm.

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