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Anastasia's POV

"That's Baron Frederick Delamb." People moved past me a few stopping to marvel or size me up, and the best part was no one had a clue as to what was going on around them. The inside knowledge of these things is something I've definitely missed.

It's weird being on the other side once again after two years.

"Definitely a sketchy dude," I mumbled once everyone had passed me. Artemis's voice came through next, and I spotted them across the empty garden. "You know him?"

"We met briefly at the last Meta-human summit. He attended with his sister, but he seemed to me like he was constantly withholding information," I whisper into my drink turning away from everyone. I don't need anyone thinking I'm crazy for talking to myself. "But he definitely has a motive."

The two of them blended nicely thank the gods, but I had to avoid them which is hard with the exclusive crowd. "Exactly, tommorow when Gregor's crowned king uncle Freddy becomes regent until Gregor turns eighteen."

"There's motive for either of them," Artemis deadpans.

The lights strung above the party burned brighter down onto my exposed shoulders the night sky swirling darker. Could that be true? "I don't know you guys, neither of the boys really seem like the murder type." The queen had spoken so highly of her children the one time we talked. Her passionate boys and sweet daughter.

I can't believe that either would take such drastic measures until I have more proof.

"Targets are scrambling. I'll follow Ecks and the prince, Artemis get our gear, and Anastasia keep the Baron and crown prince distracted." I didn't say anything in response not wanting to draw attention, but slowly I made my way to the Baron. 

There was a need to mingle with a few people here and there to keep suspicions low, but I kept both him and Gregor in my sights.

Each person I greeted we shared the same conversation: you look great- complimenting my navy dress that drapes off my shoulders into long sleeves- how's your daughter, your work is inspiring; but that last one was usually accompanied by tight lipped smiles.

"My lord," I greet Delamb with a small dip of my head. He does the same bending more at the waist despite there being no reason to do so. "Your highness," he responds politely almost taunting me. It's no secret how much I've wanted to escape my role being here. People here tend to think I did something wrong stepping back from the throne over complicating a rather simple situation.

There's no escaping my title, especially at things like these.

I hold up my hands hoping my smile is sincere. "Please, I'm no longer queen, there's no need." It seems to do the job because he gives me a devilish grin in return, it's only challenger being the grin of the Joker.

"Here a monarch is king or queen until they die, even if they do step back," he explains like I don't already know this. Do people forget I went to school, I've worked in the Senate and now the UN as a Themysciran ambassador and consultant. I know how different governments work.

Flashes snap in front of us, enough of a reminder to be cordial. "I'm not sure we follow the same guidelines. I am only the second Amazonian ruler, this is the first time we've had the problem of two existing rulers," I say but it's harder than it sounds to act like I don't suspect he's up to something.

He's trying to dictate this conversation, he's oddly putting too much attention on me, meaning he has reason to not trust me. "It's tragic what happened to your sister and her husband." Time to spin him on his toes.

"Truly, I know my sister was so looking forward to doing more work with you." I hummed noticing how he flipped it back to me.

Still, my curiosity got the best of me. "Really?"

He nodded, "after you left the summit she told me: there's a young lady with a kind heart that's going to turn this world around." What's with that phrase lately? Not that I didn't appreciate the compliment. If he's telling the truth then such regards from a woman like llona sends heat from my heart straight to my cheeks now I'm really sad I didn't get to spend more time with her.

He stepped closer never one to leave off on a note such as that. If he were trying to intimidate me with his height, he must have been disappointed to see in heels I control the air above his head.

That didn't stop his words though, that stung more than I would have liked them to. "Careful though, relying on that kindness may leave you vulnerable." So he doesn't trust me, he must be trying to manipulate me into seeing him as someone I shouldn't mess with.

Good thing I have a strong mind to even it out.

I brushed the long royal blue drape of my dress over my shoulder, and with a confident smile I excused myself. Hopefully showing how strong my kindness can really make me.

The chills circling in the air touched my skin, but like always I felt nothing against my bare shoulders. The only thing bothering me were the whispers from people not bold enough to approach me; so my feet, always knowing the destination I need, carry me away.

Apparently the young crown prince had the same idea. There he was leaned against the stone wall gazing out at what would soon be his to command. I almost turned around, but one snapped twig under my heels and I was revealed.

"I'm sorry to intrude your highness-"

"No please, do not run off because of me." My backing up stopped as he moved over sharing his viewpoint of the dipping sky that seemed to touch the tops of the rooftops. "There's nothing more healing than the sky," he speaks up eyes once again fixed on this healing factor.

Following suit I stand rigidly wanting to understand what he sees. I do when the pieces of what I believe to be the Orion constellation fall in place. Tracing where that one ended I found more the stretched black sky almost transporting me back to the beach of Themyscira where the sky is nothing but clear.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Your parents were truly amazing people." A flash reached us from the far edge of the party, where the reporters had been told to stay. His little annoyance I'm sure mirrored my own, but other than that we hardly reacted.

He did lower his voice though, turning away from them so there was no opportunity to read his lips. I did the same. "Does it get easier?"

Depending on my mood the answer to this question often varies, but truthfully two years later and I don't even know the answer. I'll do good for a few weeks, but something always hits me and I relapse.

"No, but you get stronger," I whisper internally scolding myself for still filtering my words to sound like a heartless machine. Had I not learned better already?

"Thank you for your words," his eyes moved passed me, "but I think my uncle is calling me over. I'm sure something about his speech he's set to give in a bit, but believe me I'd rather stay and talk to you." I watched him leave jumping out of my skin as my comm came to life Artemis's voice running through my ear.

"So Count Vertigo runs Bedlam?" I jump alarmed by the sudden noise after so much radio silence. Dick continues, "and Ecks works for Vertigo." My head nods even though they can't see me, and I'm about to agree when I catch sight of DeLamb getting in a car.

"I wouldn't be too sure guys, Uncle Freddy's fleeing the scene," I stated quietly using Dick's nickname.

"That could mean anything-"

"Except the prince just told me the Baron is set to give his speech in a few minutes," I cut him off striding closer, but not fast enough to rise alarm.

Dicks quickly growing tired of me stopping him from advancing. "You're basing a lot on assumptions," and he said he missed me.

"Aren't her assumptions usually right?" Artemis piped up, and I gasp with quiet laughter thinking that can't be farther from the truth.

There was part, a very small part of me, as I sat hear listening to them,  that wanted to be with them. Standing by waiting for updates is almost worse than being oblivious to it all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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