Precision Strike

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Once everyone had been debriefed about the odd new battle plan, ships from both Ironblood and the Sakura Empire moved out, with the commander's new flagship hidden somewhere among the masses.

"Taking advantage huh?" Bismarck chuckles as she sails alongside the commander's flagship.

"Just biding my time." The commander chuckles back, and Roon sails along the other side trying to get his attention. Eventually she gives up and climbs onto the deck, and that's when the commander turns to her. "Looking for a fight I assume? With them?"

"Why else? Those target dummies don't give me enough adrenaline." Roon replies. "I need actual combat."

"Be patient, you'll get your wish." The commander chuckles. "I think there are some of those guys out there right now. Think you can take them by surprise?"

"I can try and disable their strongest unit in there." Roon says. "Who's that white haired girl with the commander cap over there?"

"That's Enterprise, the grey ghost." The commander replies. "Her planes nearly spelled death for me before you were constructed. I'd definitely appreciate if you could get her back for me."

"You don't even need to ask." Roon snickers evilly as she takes to the waters and zooms out ahead, setting her sights on the carrier. One shot from her scorpion cannon is all it takes as the shot hits Enterprise dead in the face.

"OOF!" Enterprise yells as she falls over, clearly surprised by the attack. "What the?! We got company! Who are you?!"

"I'm Roon of the Ironblood!" Roon shouts. "And you will pay for trying to kill my commander!"

"Roon?! Haven't heard of you before but you're going down anyway!" Enterprise shouts as she quickly draws her bow and fires off her arrows. A group of dive bombers sets their sights on Roon, and the heavy cruiser quickly dodges to avoid getting pelted by bombs, and other Eagle Union ships begin to mobilize, forcing Roon to temporarily retreat.

"They're bringing out more!" Roon says to the commander.

"Are they?" The commander chuckles. "Leave it to me."

"Alright commander, do your thing." Bismarck says.

"Let's see your secret weapon in action." Takao says as the commander brings out his riggings and leaps off of his flagship, taking to the waters!

"What the?! Did their commander just do that?!" Enterprise shouts as the commander quickly moves out, dodging the planes that the grey ghost sends at him and retaliating with a mighty salvo before dashing out of harm's way. Enterprise just manages to avoid the salvo and all enemy ships stop and watch as the grey ghost and the Ironblood's secret weapon duke it out in the middle of the water.

"I bet you weren't expecting the likes of this!" The commander laughs as the jaws on his gun mounts open and begin charging up some sort of energy.

"Huh?!" Enterprise shouts out, bewildered by what's happening.

"Quad laser, FIRE!" The commander yells as four lasers are shot out, and one of them manages to put a giant hole in Enterprise's carrier strip! The other three lasers directly hit other ships unlucky enough to be in the way and they collapse upon being hit.

"HOLY MOTHER OF- Did that really just happen?!" Enterprise screams, and the commander's auxiliary guns pelt the carrier for a few seconds before she retreats, and so do the rest of the attacking ships upon realizing the new threat. "Everyone fall back! The Crimson Axis has just released a superweapon! I repeat the Crimson axis has just released a superweapon! Fall back!" She shouts. The commander then slowly and gracefully glides over to an amazed Takao and a mindblown Bismarck before bowing.

"How was that for a display?" The commander asks.

"Remind me not to get on your bad side..." Takao replies jokingly.

"Holy smokes..." Roon says in awe. Bismarck on the other hand can't even form words.

"I think I broke Bismarck..." The commander chuckles. "Let's head back."

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