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Shelby's P.O.V

I've controlled her before. I'm not about to let her control me. She's not real, Shelby. She's just a voice. A fictional character. Don't give in to her. YOU ARE STRONGER THAN THIS.

"You know I'm stronger than you. You know you can't defeat me on your own. I'll do what I want. And I dunno, I might be generous sometimes, or maybe you'll forever be stuck watching me from the back seat."

You can beat her, Shelby. She's your creation! You're going crazy. Stay sane. It's okay. You'll be okay.

"I know you've got to be angry at someone. The world doesn't treat you right. Why don't you treat it wrong back?"

No-one's perfect. Everyone has that demon. You can control it. You've been through so much.

"They're weak compared to me. Us."

You can fight this!

"No-one is safe."

You can protect your friends!

"I have more power over you."

You are strong and kind-hearted. You'll pull through!

"None of us know who's really in control."

Just stay focused, keep your hands on the driver's seat. She'll go away!

"I'm apart of you."

She isn't the real you!

"Who is the real you? Come ON, Shelby. Just give up! I'm being nice with you. I don't want to have to hurt you. All you have to do is agree to share control."

She can't... hurt... you...

"I can do whatever I want to make your life a living Hell."

Her giggle rippled through my head. I never remembered making her to be... surely she wouldn't hurt her creator? Although... it's as if she doesn't even care about that. She's winning. I'm losing my mind.

Hold on, Shelby.

You'll be alright.

I'll... be... alright...

She's... she's so convincing.

It's all about control.

It's all about power.

I need her.

Do I?

I shook my head. Don't be silly, Shelby!

I'm nothing without her.

Destruction and chaos must be from my hands.

We have POWER.

No-one is safe from our wrath.


I just want someone out there to help me.



Or they just may lose our little game.

It's only just begun.

they need to come save me before it's too late.

time is ticking.

she's already in the lead.

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