NUL 01

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My first page about my progress to becoming a Neko!

NUL, stands for Neko Update Log.

Notes log 01:

So only a few days in and I feel it.. the pain and the phantom change.. I've felt the ears twice, and I've been acting more energetic- but lazy. These results are boosting my confidence into joining this community. I am going to train myself to my limits, so that everyone no matter how armed or how strong, will be puzzled on how to defeat me..

Appearance log 01:

No change identified.

Psychological log 01:

Increase in energetic behaviour
Increase in lazy behaviour
Bad posture
More calm, and fragile (emotionally)

Phantom log 01:

Sight: none
Touch: can not touch with hand. Can feel the ears adding pressure to my head every now and then. Random intense headaches popping up, and leaving at random intervals.

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