Just A Matter Of Time

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It's hard for me to train.. I have a lot to do everyday and sometimes dont get chance to sit down, but when I do even then I need a break in general, even from training.. but when I can do it, I do it seriously. I find find comfort in my own space and confront myself.. I can change the world.. you can change the world.. it just take a lot of belief and practice.. sitting there listening to an audio will work.. but will take much, much longer than trying to visualise, meditate, focusing your power on what you want. That's the power of the universe.. you put in your effort for it.. and you'll earn it's trust.. if that's true or not we'll never know.. but let this settle in.. let it guide you to success, little or big! I hope for that all those subliminal users, spell casters, mind breakers and more.. that you get what you've all dreamed of.. and not regret it!

I hope your all doing okay, and I'll see you all soon!

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