Chapter 1

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"Margaret.. Please pay attention." I quickly look up from doodling in my notebook to see Mrs. Brown, my history teacher glaring at me. I sigh and put my pencil down. "As I was saying, 2018 is a progressive age because we are remembering and learning from everything that happened in the past." Mrs. Brown looks up at the clock right as the bell rings signaling the end of the school day. "Alright, I will continue this discussion on Monday. Have a great weekend. And don't forget about the project!"

I quickly shove my notebooks and folders into my backpack before standing up and running out the door. School is not my thing. Some people call it ADHD or a learning disability, I just say that there are better things in life to do than sit around learning things for 6 hours straight that you won't use in real life. Take Mrs. Brown's class for example. History has always been my worst subject because I honestly don't care about what happened 200 years ago to people that aren't even around anymore.

As I stop at my locker and begin to turn the dial, my best friend Landon grabs onto my shoulders. I quickly turn around and hit him with my backpack.

"What did I say about sneaking up on me like that??"

He laughs like it was the funniest thing he has ever heard.

I turn back to my locker and mutter under my breath, "Asshole."

I've known Landon my whole life. No joke. Our moms were friends from high school who swore to each other that they would grow up and live in the same house together, meet similar guys, and their kids would grow up together. Somehow through all those years, they managed to do just that and more. Landon and I were born on the same day at the same hospital. It just so happened that Landon's mom went into labor the day after mine, and they had kids on exactly the same day. Ironic right? Ever since then, Landon and I have grown up together just like they had promised years ago. We are even neighbors so it's basically like Landon is my long lost twin or something.

Landon smirks and moves to where I am forced to look at him. "You ready to walk home?"

I glare at him, fed up with how confident he was with everything he did. "Yes dumbass. Let's go." I close my locker and hoist my backpack onto my back.

"Do you wanna come over tonight and work on that history homework?" Landon asks as we walk down the hallway.

"Yeah... I seriously have no idea how I'm going to get through the year. I suck at history." I pause. "And school in general.. God just kill me now." I roll my eyes and open the door leading outside.

"Margaret-" He starts, smirking.

"Don't call me that. You know I hate my name." I adjust the straps on my backpack. "It sounds like I'm a grandma living in the 1900s."

He smiles. "Fine. Mags, you don't suck at anything. School just isn't your thing. Just like..."

I turn and give him a sideways look. "What L? What are you not good at?" I cross my arms. "You can talk to girls, you can play any sport you want better than everyone else, you've got amazing hair and an amazing body. You don't even have any acne!"

Landon stops on the sidewalk and grabs my shoulder. "Hey. What's up with you today?"

I sigh and run my hands through my hair. "Nothing... I just-" I shake my head and then look up at my best friend. "Landon if I don't pass this history class I'm not going to be able to graduate."

Landon looks at me with a concerned look and then pulls me into a hug. Somehow he always managed to do the right thing. Sure it did piss me off that he was the most perfect person in history, but I was so glad that he was mine. And no, I know what you're thinking, we're not dating. We made a pact in third grade that we would never date each other because we're basically siblings. Landon has also been with many girls over the years which isn't surprising since he's the captain of the football, hockey AND baseball teams. I, on the other hand, have not experienced what being in a relationship is like.

"I'm going to get you through this class alright? Even if I have to kill someone to do it." He pulls away from the hug and smiles at me.

I shake my head, a small smile appearing out of the side of my mouth. "You always know how to comfort me... Even though you suck at it." I smirk and start running away from him, knowing he would chase me.

"Hey! Not funny!" He runs after me and easily catches up. "God Mags, when did you get so fast??" He jokes.

I glare at him and stick my tongue out.

He laughs. "No seriously." He looks at his watch. "I think you can almost run a mile in under an hour!"

I grab his hand and pull the watch off his wrist and throw it. Landon stops and watches with his mouth wide open as it falls.

"What the hell did you do that for??"

I smirk and shrug. "You've got too much time on your hands."

Landon bites his lip trying not to laugh at the joke and act like he was mad. "Wow..." He stops and can't contain his laughter anymore. "Okay, that was actually pretty good."

I smile, knowing I had won.

"Race you back to your house?" He challenges me.

"Oh, you're on." I start running and he gives me a bit of a head start before sprinting past me to his house.

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