Chapter 5

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It was like everything confusing in my life had just turned itself back around. I felt like a fish who had just been returned to the water after being in the air for so long. It was nothing I had ever felt before and it was amazing.

He pulls back after a few seconds and looks at me. I bite my lip and look down.

"Wow... Landon I-" I start.

"I've honestly always wanted to do that."

"R-really?" I could feel my cheeks heating up.

He nods, smiling. "I have too."

Landon grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes. If someone had told me last week that this kiss was going to happen, I would have never believed them. I knew that I had feelings for him but never actually was able to act on them, afraid that it would ruin our relationship. Not to mention I did not think that I was his type at all. There was an undeniable connection between the two of us and little did we know it was more than just friends. I stared back into his familiar blue eyes and at that moment I knew that everything was going to be different between us.


It was like I was walking on a cloud. The past few weeks were nothing I could have ever imagined. When I'm with him, everything feels right. It helps that we are so comfortable with each other, to begin with.

"Do you want to come over after school?" Landon asks me after our second to last class of the day concludes. "I'm sure Rose would love to see you."

Rose and Landon's two other younger siblings had been at their grandparent's house for the past three weeks. Mrs. Burn thought it would be safer just incase their father came back.

"They're back??" I ask excitedly.

"Yeah, my mom didn't think it was good for them to be missing this much school," He shrugs and twists the dial on his locker.

"That's great!" I stop. "Well, I mean kind of... Not that your dad is here. Do you think he's still around? You haven't seen him since right?"

Landon stops spinning the dial and opens his locker. He shakes his head.

"Nope, thank God. My guess is that he's gone by now," He grabs a notebook from his locker. "I hope so at least."

I nod. "Me too."

Landon shuts his locker and turns towards me with a smile on his face.

"What?" I ask, getting uncomfortable. "L do I have something on my face? Seriously. You know that I hate it when you don't tell me."

Landon laughs. He leans against the lockers and puts his hand on my cheek.

"You have the most beautiful face I've ever seen," He smiles and leans in and kisses me.

I hear some students in the background say, 'get a room' and just roll my eyes. Normally I would be the person to care about PDA in the hallway, but with Landon it was different. I now understood what it was like to be in love and want to show it in any way you could.

I pull away from the kiss, blushing. "I'll see you later."

I smile and turn away from him, walking to my next class, feeling like I am on top of the world.


Rose runs up to me and jumps into my arms. I laugh and hug her.

"Welcome back!" I exclaim.

Rose pulls away from the hug, still in my arms and looks at me, smirking.

"What?" I ask confused.

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