Chapter 4

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Maybe I'm just imagining things, but this kid... Charlie... Charles or whatever he said his name was, looks a lot like Landon. He seems to be his age as well.

"I-I'm sorry..." I say as we walk. "But were you invited to this party? It doesn't really seem like your scene."

He shrugs. "Just kind of found myself here. I'm not one to turn down a party. Anyways, enough about me. What is a pretty lady such as yourself doing at a party like this?"

"I uh... I came with a friend," I sigh. "But he ended up hanging out with some other girls."

"Landon," He nods.

I look at him confused. "You know him?"

"Somewhat. From what I hear he's quite spiffy."

I stop in my tracks for a minute wondering if he had really just said that word.

"Are you from some sort of cosplay or something?" I ask.

"Cos... play? What might that be?"

"Nevermind," I shake my head. "My house is right here."

I turn to walk up to my driveway and realize Charles was still following me. I turn my head and look back at him.

"I can walk myself to my door, thank you," I say, raising my eyebrows.

"Honey, I would never let a keen lady like you walk yourself up to your house."

He walks over to me and takes my hand. Who the hell did this guy think he was? And what the hell does 'keen' mean?? I walk with him to my door and he knocks on it.

"What are you doing? I live here." I put my hand on the doorknob.

"Well, I'm sure your father would want to see that you've gotten home safely."

I look at him confused and suddenly my mom appears at the door.

"Oh! Hi honey." She smiles and opens the door then glances down at our hands.

I quickly pull mine away and walk into the house.

"Maggie would your friend like to come in for some dinner?" My mom asks.

I shake my head. "No, he-"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Coleman, I would love to stay for supper, but I'm afraid I have to get back home to my family," He smiles sweetly at me. "Pleasure to meet you, Margaret."

I raise my eyebrows as soon as the door is shut. How did he know my last name??

"Honey who was that?" My mom asks.

I shake my head and walk past her, heading upstairs to my room. I had a lot of questions.


"It was weird, almost like he knew me already... and don't even get me started on his clothes. Literally looked like he was in a different decade." I shake my head.

Landon walks home next to me, his hands resting on his backpack as he listens to my crazy night.

"Well, maybe he thought it was a dress-up party or something?" Landon shrugs.

"No. Well... I don't know, it was just weird. Landon he literally had an accent that I've only ever heard in movies. Old movies." I slow down to a stop. "But the creepiest thing was..."

I look up at Landon who stops and looks back at me.

"He looked so much like you."

Landon raises an eyebrow. "Mags, I'm pretty sure I know everyone in this town... And no one looks like me."

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