Chapter 2

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"The Roaring Twenties Mags. It's probably the most exciting time period there is." Landon says, somewhat frustrated that I was having to look up almost everything to find details for my time period project.

I groan and fall back onto his bed and cover my eyes with my hands. "Ughh. I hate this freaking project! Why does it even matter? It's all in the past! Why can't it stay there?"

"Did you not hear anything Mrs. Brown said today? We learn from the past. That's how we don't make mistakes anymore. Like if you literally just lived a life where you just forgot everything that's happened in your past, you'd probably not even know how to tie your own shoe."

I sigh, realizing he was right. "No, I didn't hear anything she said... But fine. What were the Roaring Twenties about?"


Landon's mom, Mrs. Bradley is a saint. She had 4 kids; Landon (the oldest), Alexander, Carter, and Rose, and each one of them were noticeably well behaved and sweet children. Although Landon's father is out of the picture and has been since Landon was 8 years old, she manages a very structured household while working three jobs.

I sit down at the dinner table and smile to myself. I loved to go over to Landon's house and eat dinner with his family because they were all so positive and supportive of each other.

"So Margaret and Landon, how were your days at school?"

Other than my parents, Mrs. Bradley was the only one who I would actually let call me Margaret. I shrug and keep eating. Landon glances at me and realizes that I didn't really feel like talking at the moment.

"Well, Mags lost my favorite watch." He smirks and nudges me slightly.

I turn and punch him in the shoulder. "That was not your favorite watch! If it was you would have gone to look for it!"

Landon laughs and rolls his eyes. "Whatever. Just know that you owe me a new one."

Rose, Landon's twelve year old sister speaks up, "Thank god. No one liked that watch anyways."

Landon gives his sister a look. "That's not true!" He crosses his arms.

"Landon, it was so old and ugly! It looked like it should be in some museum or something."

Landon sighs playfully, giving up a battle that he had known from the start he would lose. "Alright fine. Maybe it was ugly..."

I smirk. "I still don't understand how you got girls with that thing on."

"Ooohh she just roasted you bro!" Carter laughs at Landon.

Landon ignores his siblings comments then smiles a bit to keep his composure, then turns to his mom. "So mom, how was your day?"


My whole life my parents had been there for me. They supported all of my decisions, even some that they knew wouldn't turn out the way I wanted them to. Needless to say, after Landon's father left, I realized that not everyone had a life like mine. Though he didn't show it, I knew that deep down, he missed his father. Once and awhile, he would tell me about how he thought life would be different if his dad was there, and how he feels like his mom sometimes has too much on her plate. Landon worked as much as he could whenever he wasn't playing sports. He also made sure that when he was playing sports, he was giving it his all, 24/7. In order to go to college, he would have to get a scholarship. Luckily, he has so much talent that he's already gotten offers. I on the other hand, didn't have any idea about what I was going to do with my life.

"Honey, how was school?" My mom asks as she sits down next to me on the living room couch.

I shrug. "Same as always..."

"Landon was saying that you were having some trouble with history."

I raises my eyebrow at her. "Why? Did Landon talk to you about that?" I shake my head, my mind going in a circle. "Actually never mind, don't answer that. Mom, you know that I have trouble in school, but I'm not that bad of a student!"

"Margaret," I cringe at my full name. "Let me help you. If you need a tutor, I can set one up for you. You know that Landon's great grandfather was alive around the 1920's, you can probably ask Landon about him."

I groan. "Mom! How is he supposed to know anything about his great grandfather?? And how did you know that I was studying the 1920's? Mom I don't need any help! What I need is to dropout of freaking school."

"Margaret." There's that name again... "Quitting something- especially school isn't the right way to go about things and you know it. You are smart honey and I just don't think you realize it."

I sigh and stand up, leaving her alone on the couch. "Fine, I won't quit... But don't be expecting me to have all A's."

I walk up the stairs and to my room.

I lay down on my bed and sigh. Sometimes I just wish I could have Landon's brain. He was absolutely perfect in every way possible it just wasn't fair. After thinking about him for a while, I fall into a deep sleep.

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