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(3rd Person)

Ever since Izuku was diagnosed as quirkless he was all way's alone so he started to take interest in video games. He still dreamed of being hero but the games would help him cope. At first it simple computer games from cool math then moving on to fighting games like super smash ultimate and marvel vs capcom , when he reached his teenage years he was playing more mature game like call of duty and devil may cry.But preferred magic, strategy and one on one duel

Then one day while he was walking home from school he passed a video game store with a advertisement of the new sword art online game that was coming soon and the nerve gear a device  that lets you dive into a game while experiencing all five senses. Izuku's eye lit with excitement 'finally a game that lets me escape reality' he thought

As soon as he got home he went online to buy the nerve gear and sao he was lucky enough to be part of the beta testers.

When the nerve gear arrived he immediately dove into the beta and was having fun going on quests fighting monsters. During his time in the beta he meet a boy named Kirito, while fighting some monsters he was getting overwhelmed  until a passing player helped him out.After that the two boys sparked a friendship and added each other as friends,when ever they were both on they would go on quests, help improve their skills or just getting to know each other.

"So i wanted to ask you this for a while"Kirito said 

"Well go a head i don't mind"

"Why is you're username Deku its dose mean 'useless' "kirito paused for a bit "sorry if that offended you"

"No no its fine you were curious and to answer your question my childhood friend gave me that name after he found out something about me.ya i know the meaning of it but when i made this character i decided that maybe i can change the meaning of this name to someone who can you know like being something your not in the real wold" Deku responded 

"wow didn't know you felt that way deku"

"Its fine anyway this is the last week of the beta so i wanted to ask if we can party again when the game fully releases"Deku ask nervously 

"Of course why wouldn't i your skill are on pair with mine and your a really good strategist anybody would be lucky to have you and you're the first friend i had in years"kirito said

Deku was shocked to hear kirito say that he was his real friend and almost started to cry tears of joy 

"Thank you kichan i don't hear that often in the real world i needed that and your my first real friend in years to"Deku said wiping his tears away   

"No problem de- wait what did you call me"Kirito asked confused why deku called him kichan  

After realising what he said Deku became embarrassed and panicked to think that he called kirito kichan 

"Im sorry i didn't mean to call you kirit-" deku paused to see kirito laughing his head of to see his friend lke this

"Its fine deku i don't mind having a nickname i like it now come on like you said the beta is almost done so lets make the most it"kirito said while catching his breath   

"ya lets go"

After a few days the sao beta closed leaving both of them to face the real word again but only for a few  months, not realising they should have enjoyed it while they can .


There you go well thanks for reading i have a lot more ideas for this book so i you enjoyed it

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