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I don't own any of these shows but i wish lol

But lets get into it 




It's been one month and shitty Deku and thousands others are still in that game.One third of the school is missing because of that stupid game. Its just so weird, not that those shitty extras are missing not that i give a damn about them. I feel empty like i lost a part of myself to since the day this started.

Deku's mom been coming to the Musutafu hospital non stop, and she's been losing some weight since the day that game started but at least Deku has his own room. 

Also a special task force has been made to get those people out and lots of heroes have bin involved even All Might and David Shied.I just find it weird that All Might is involved with this shit its not like he plays VR games but whatever.

I feel like nothing is right like Deku not being here because who the fuck can beat all of those damn floors.The worst thought is walking in here and finding out that he didn't make it, it makes me mad that i cant even protect Deku from a stupid game. But knowing Deku he wont give up without a fight. So i'm still going to UA hopefully the nerd wont mind if i use his notebooks, by the time that nerd shows up i'm going to be his hero by his side and hopefully we can start all over again.

(Ya now that's out of the way lets get to the good stuff btw if your confused the time is around the day of the meeting in sao. sorry i suck at remembering the events for these im confusing lol )



We were all making our way through the forest to the boss room while everyone else was head of us Kichan, Asuna and I were discussing our position in the boss raid.

"Ok were the back up so we are going after the ruin kobold sentinels,  ill use a sword skill to knock out there weapons then you and Deku can switch and jump in "Kichan explained            

"Whats a switch?" Asuna asked 

"Umm is this the first time you been in a party group?" I asked . When she nodded yes, me and Kichan stopped on the path. Then I just explained really quickly to start dragging the both of them to catch up with everyone else.    


Everyone made there way to the tower and outside the boss rooms doors. Diabel placed himself in front of the door to wish everyone luck.With everyone's weapons out he placed his hand to push the doors open to find a dark room but when they made there way inside the room lit up then a big red beast with the weapons from the guidebook appeared along with the sentinels      

Diabel commanded everyone to attack and started guiding everyone to there positions "Good the rest of the small squads make sure you keep the sentinels off us"

"You got it "Kirito and Deku said

Kirito knocked out one of the sentinels sword "Swich!" then Asuna came out moving fast enough for Kirito to not see the tip of her sword kill the sentinel."Nice Job" Kirito said under his breath but not paying attention to the other sentinel lucky for him Deku came out to block the hit and take out its weapon for Kirito to finish it off.

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