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I give you another long chapter btw i don't own any of the shows or manga but if i did things would be a lot different 




It's bin a month since this death game began and me and Deku or mostly Deku have bin busy. Ever since we left the to the first village Deku has been helping other players non-stop from teaching them the mechanics of the game to even cooking witch is funny i didn't know he can cook but hey saves me money. To even making more guidebooks for the other players as well. But no matter how much we try teach the game we know we can't teach everyone but thankfully many other players would pass along what they learned.

 Unfortunately at least 1,000 players have died, and no one hasten found the boss room, despite me and Deku being in the beta test not even we can find it. But today is the day were we try to find and defeat the first floor boss.

(3rd person POV)

Every player that was interested in finding the first floor boss began to gather around with there friends including  Kirito and Deku. In the center of the meeting was a player with blue hair and outfit with light brown armor pieces.

"OK thank you all for showing up to day now that everyone is here we can get this meeting started my name is Diabel and i play the role as knight" Diabel exclaimed as everyone started to laugh about how there were no such roles.

"Ok ok can we get on with this?" Diabel said as everyone began to quiet down."So today my party finally found the boss room on top of the tower, we need to beat the boss in order to get to the second floor.Then to inform everyone in the town of beginnings that we can beat this game, in fact its our duty as the most skilled players here right everyone?" As Diabel finished everyone was in agreement and began to cheer

"Now that were on bored were all going to need to be in a party of six" Diabel said. As everyone began to form party groups Deku and Kirito began to panic because they were more of a solo duo having been around each other for a while.

So as Deku and Kirito look around for anyone that may not have a group Kirito spotted a player with maroon colored cloak all by there self. Kirito pointed out the solo player to Deku and both scooted to them to talk.

"Looks like your the last one to be in a group?" Kirito asked

"No not really everyone here seems like there friends so why bother to intrude" the hooded player said

"Well then you're in luck were in need of another party member would you like to join us?" Deku asked as the hooded player looked at both of them        

"Look you heard what that guy said we cant beat that boss by our selves plus its just for this time" Kirito said. The hooded player gave a small nod then Kirito extended a party invite to them. When the hooded player accepted there invite there name was finally reviled to them 'Asuna'

"Alright then looks like everyone has teamed up now we can-" 

"Hold on a sec"A new voice interrupted Diabel as he was speaking, a short man with spiky headed hair with scale mail armor and a large sword on there back started coming towards him. "My name is Kibaou and i just want to say something, we all know all those people that have died and i think some of you need to apologize to them."Kibaou said pointing to everyone siting down

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