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So im going to be making  the dates the same as the ones in sao but everything that happens in my hero academia are still kind of the same but without deku involved so that what im going for and sorry for any mistakes 


*Back in the game*

(3rd Person POV)

The three players were confused why the log out button was gone maybe it was a bug or something

"Well it is the first day so maybe there's a few bugs in here bet the server people are kind of freaking out "Klein said trying to lighten the mood

"Well both will it's 5:25 oh man i should be having dinner with my mom now,she's is going to freak out if im still here"Deku said 

"Oh MY gOD my pizza!!!!"Klein yelled. He then paused for before realizing another thing "NO my cousin Eijiro is coming to my place and im not there!!!"

"Calm down lets just contact the game master "Kirito suggested "I tried to but nothing is happening and there's no other way to log out something may have happened kichan"Deku said

"Wait you call kirito 'kichan'?"Klein asked " Ya he dose but i don't mind "kirito said "Guys really come on this could be bad, i mean i cant even send a text to my mom its like were cut off from the real world "deku said

Then as the sun was setting the bell from the Town of Beginnings started to ring . The three players stood still for a moment next thing they knew they along with the rest of the 10,000 players were teleported were in the center of the town and the sky started to bleed.Then a giant man with a red hood appeared from the bleeding sky then began to speak.

"Attention players welcome to my world. My name is Akihiko Kayaba and from this day i am in control of this world."The people were in disbelief that is the man that created this game .

"Im sure most of you have notice a very important item missing from your main menu the log out button.Let me make it clear this is not a bug this is how SAO was made to play"

"This has to a big joke right kirito, deku?"Klein said.He looked over at his two friends but nether of them move. 

 "You cannot log your selves out of SAO anymore and no one from the outside will be able to take the nerve gear.If anyone attempts to remove the nerve gear it will send a microwave signal to your head killing you"  

"really dose he think anyone will believe this crap right guys"Klein said 

"No he's not lying that is how the gear works and if you disable the safety then your brain is fried"kirito said

"What about the power?If they were able to cut it then maybe-"Klein but was cut off by deku

"That wont work ether it has a internal battery too even if something happens to the power the gear would still work."

Once again Kayaba began to speak"Even with the warning people still choose to remove the gear and now there are now 213 less players now.This incident has gain world wide news and have track of every thing " Kayaba pulled up media articles covering the SAO news"So the chance of getting the gear removed is small also don't count on the heroes to help any time soon.As to help you survive please remember the following rule. It is no longer possible to revive someone in the game if the health bar reaches 0 you will die."

Letting the words sink in Deku's eyes began to water thinking about what he left behind in the real world 'Mom, Kacchan, All Might-wait how can i be his successor if im trapped in here!!'

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