WEEGEE Disease

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Mario is trying to find his sister Luigi because she "owes" him ten dollars, so he looks everywhere (lifting King Bob-omb and throw him, grabbing on the owl, top of the castle, in the aquarium, underneath Bowser, and glitching on Peach's stain glass window) till he hears Luigi calls for help which was coming from Peach's room. Mario goes in the room to see her and looks disgusted comes back out puking. So he goes off to find Toad for help.

Mario: umm Toad, you might want to see this....

Toad goes into the room finds Luigi with missing limbs and a white head. She was speaking in gibberish and Mario couldn't get her to speak in English so he calls Dr. Mario. Dr. Mario came over to peaches castle and examines Luigi.

Dr. Mario: She has Weegee Disease, a rare type of disease.

When Mario heard that it was rare he became can of worry for his sister.

Mario: We got to cure her.

Dr. Mario: I'm sorry Mario but there was no cure in existence.

Dr. Mario goes back in the ambulance to steal some drugs. Mario starts to panic and decides to search for a professional wizard about this cure until he eventually finds one called merlon.

Merlon: I knows a cure, but I need a rare herb that is found deep in a forest

Mario: Which one?.

But the wizard never told mario. Mario then travels to different type of woods. He gets lost in one of them and ends up burning the place down. After giving up, he goes back in the castle to see if Luigi is back to normal, and gets a big gay dance which made him puke again. Mario then continues to look for the herb only to get annoyed by natives. Outside the castle, the fat plumber sees a weird plant growing on top of the castle then decides to go for it.

While doing that, Doopliss (some random character made by 12-year-old SMG4) stole the herb and Mario tries to get it back from him but gets blown away back to Merlon's place. The wizard asks for the herb and the plumber explains what happened. Merlon notices a 1up mushroom from his pocket and uses it to make the cure.

Mario gets the cure and heads back to Luigi to give her it. Luigi drinks the potion and explodes. Mario starts to sob while Luigi came into the room causing Mario to be surprised. Luigi explains that the Luigi who exploded was a robot she programmed which made everyone thought he was sick and also states that Dr. Mario is a fake doctor and more of a terrorist then she goes ahead to watch sm64 bloopers. Mario leaves the room for the third time puking.

Mario: She still owes me 10 dollars!

Reborn in Smg4?( Disconnect For Rewrite)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin