Luigi and the Haunted Castle

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Luigi was bored lately she have been staying at home alot these days. Looking at things on the front putch just standing there.

Luigi: I'm really bored of standing here all the time. Maybe I should go visit the castle.

So Luigi decides to go to the castle in her car once there after parking her car.

Luigi: I wonder what that brother of mine is doing?

Luigi enters the castle notices that everything is quiet.

Luigi: This is weird why is it so quiet?

She looks around only to find any other person is Toad.

Luigi: Hey Toad why it so quiet?

Toasd: Does it looks like I care?

Luigi: Yes it does. This place kind of scary without all the noise.

Werid noise

Luigi: Wtf was that? Nope I'm out.

Toad: Don't worry nothing will hurt you much.

Luigi is looking at Toad like if he serious until the weird sounds stop.

Luigi: I'm just going to go.

She lift the castle and ending up in the battlegrounds it was still quite.

Luigi: It still quite here. Why is everything acting werid?

She see a bomb guy and asked if he ok but didn't get a answer. So Luigi walk to somewhere else and it was quite too quite. For some reason Luigi felt that she needed to be quite or something bad will happen. So thats whats she did walking quietly until they sneeze.

Luigi: Uh oh I think broke the silence.

Then everything acttck Luigi as she try to get away. She ran back into the castle running down the stairs.

Luigi: Nope I'm leaving!

Luigi first tries to get out but her car ran out of gas so she got out the car trying to walk but could go anywhere. She gave up and head back into the castle staying front the door way.

Luigi: Ok I'll have to stay at the castle but I'm just going to stay right here. Better yet I could stay outside.

When she try to open the door it was locked.

Luigi: Are you kidding me! Well its not that bad being in a castle thats want to kill you. Yea right 😑.  Ok I can do I'll just go to sleep.

When Luigi falls asleep a few hours pass until she was woking up by noises.

Luigi: Oh come on!

She looks back at Toad who still in the same spot. Wondering why he not freaking out about this.

Luigi: Ok its looks like I have to do something about this.

She walk toward the basement going inside to see to paths so she pick the right head that way. She meets a friendly boo that makes her play a Mini-Game and because Luigi failed she decide to go another way. In the basement, she notices that it's more creepy and when she meets a rabbit, Luigi realize that he stay still and so she gets inside a painting and she appears in the final level of Luigi's mansion.

Luigi: I thought I was done with this! Don't tell me I have to fight again hate this so much!

Fight sence later

When she comes back she heard a voice calling her and she spots a shadow figure far away and it is revealed to be Mario. They woke up from the nightmare and Mario tells her that everyone in the castle can hear her scream. Finally, in reality, Luigi decides to go back to sleep.

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