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"Lies just get you nowhere but trouble." 

I didn't believe you but that's probably why I lost another friend of mine because I tried following it

I blamed you and became friends with her again but her lies hurt me the most

She clung to the annoying smart stranger who seemed to treat her like a little sister

I asked her who he was, and she just said her dream guy

I broke off being friends again when she lied about her lifestyle, dreams, and friends

it hurt me the most when she pretended I didn't exist while making them their frappechinos and other sweet delights

sometimes I wonder how you even put up with me because I put up with those fake liars

I seem to exempt everyone who didn't follow the code of popularity and you were the last straw

Now I bother about the truth and what it means to me these days

maybe I should apologize to that smart stranger as he told the truth instead of blaming someone like me for terrible service

either way I've been taking a hiatus off social media and everybody thinks I am crazy 

I am trying to live reality instead of the life I pretend to live

I feel like I am pretty girl with friends who aren't my friends

Well except for Jennie, she's genuine because she's my cousin who is focused on the good things in life instead of that douche of boyfriend

his lies probably hurted her the most

just like mine did to you

jin wanted to meet tomorrow

he's says he's bringing a special guest

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