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Well there's not much to explain on my part, but if you have questions leave it here==> 

So Jisoo ended up with Namjoon who understands her plight perfectly as he admires her for becoming a better person and growing up. 

Originally Jisoo doesn't even know herself as she didn't know that Yoongi and her personalities were switched to other people. Yet to each other, they are different and behave like the other without even realizing it. She ends up rejecting him in public because she fears that they will crumble like her parents once did after they had such polar interests. 

Plus I need a little Namsoo in my life. 

So far we have Jenkook, Yoonlice, and Namsoo. 

Of course Chaeyoungie is going to be next but do you sense a pattern coming along?

Future characters will appear for Taehyung, Jimin, and Jin, and will be hence introduced in Chae's book, well at least for Jin. 

Also my books tend to follow a pattern where the current male lead would be a former romantic interest for the next book, but Chae's a different case and so will the others maybe. 

The order will be Chaeyoung, Jin, Jimin, and ending with our first heartbreak with Taehyung. 

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