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Toni POV:

I was sitting at the lunch table arguing with zo about what rappers were really hot right now. he swears he knows all the fire artist but can't name 5 songs by them cuz he gets hooked off one and never bothers to listen to the rest of the persons songs. we was arguing and I could feel someone staring at me.

I looked over my shoulder to see this guy from one of my classes. "Ray" he low-key annoying. and very self centered

I paid it no mind and went back to my conversation when gelo tapped me showing me his phone. he scooted closer to me.

Gelo: aye look at these custom kicks they fire right?

I nodded my head ignoring the shoes all together. my body heated up just from the fact that he was sitting so close to me.

I had barely spoken all day even tho we have 3 classes together.

Gelo POV:

I gave my phone to Toni and let her school thru all the customs before looking over my shoulder seeing ray look at us for a brief moment and look away.

I wouldn't  say we were friends. but we weren't cool either. he was a self centered hot head. me and him never had much in common being that he always lashed out over the little things and me? well.... nothing bothered me enough.

I generally care less about many things. he used to play for our schools basketball and football team. but coach kicked him off the team for his selfish ways.

that and he always wanted to be the top guy of everything he did and couldn't wrap his head round the fact that he wasn't as talented when it came to basketball like he was in football.

he was our star quarter back. in football. in basketball....... well lets just say he came off the bench. he wasn't. starter


because he just went that good at basketball


because we generally didn't need him. we have lots of other players who have more to offer when it comes to the game itself.

he hated that me and both my brothers started. always " why is all 3 of the ball brothers starting".  "why is Lamelo even starting he's a freshmen"

its simple. where better than him. and I mean that with the upmost respect. he was a very skilled kid. just not on the basketball court.

I didn't want him hanging around Toni. call it what u want but I just don't think he's good for her. plus I'm sure he's not her type anyway.

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